Disclosure of Sensitive Information

J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2005


A reader sent me the following email, and I thought it would be good to share it here. My response is likewise published below.


Just out of curiousity and with due respect, does the Phil government allow its employees to discuss issues pertinent to their line of work in public forums such as blogs? Is there no conflict of interest implications in such an action? Is the government not concerned with disclosure of confidential or restricted information?

My response:


Thanks for the concern. While it may appear otherwise, I have not, in any way and to the best of my knowledge, disclosed sensitive information (whether official or otherwise) on matters pertaining to issues that affect the Philippine government. I do agree that there is a conflict of interest in disclosing to the public information that may be deemed confidential or sensitive in nature, in particular those that have security implications.

Per my review of relevant documentation (Philippine laws, rules, regulations), I have not encountered provisions explicitly prohibiting civil servants (in particular in my agency) from disclosing information to the public, although it is to my understanding that it is best to have such an arrangement, even if implicit in nature. Perhaps we should also consider that it is in the interest of the public for Government transactions to be transparent, and for government officials (and government itself, ultimately) to be accountable for their actions.

I appreciate your expressing your concern on this matter. I have always tried to exercise prudence in publishing matters that may involve controversy. I try not to cross the thin line separating responsible and irresponsible disclosure of information. To illustrate, I am part of a technical group that facilitates the evaluation and approval of major capital projects (both foreign- and private-sector-assisted), and I have long itched to discuss issues pertaining to these in my blog. But I always remind myself that I have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of such information, and in turn not compromise my agency.

Lastly, you may wish to note that I have tendered my resignation from government service effective the 21st of February. I am moving to the private sector (an ICT firm) after an almost three-year stint as an Economic Development Specialist.

I hope this email has been helpful. =)

Best regards.



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J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR

Angelo is editor at TechNode.Global. He writes about startups, corp innovation & venture capital (plus amateur radio on n2rac.com). Tips: buymeacoffee.com/n2rac