Facebook Commenting Enabled

J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR
Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2011


If you’ve been reading single post pages lately (and not just the front page), you might notice the small Facebook comment box right above the regular WordPress comment area. I’ve recently enabled Facebook commenting, so if you’re currently logged in, you can easily post a comment even without having to await moderation.

This adds a social aspect to this blog, as each Facebook commenter has the option of automatically posting the same comment on his profile, along with a link to the article. This way, you can monitor responses to your comments.

WordPress comments will still work, although if you haven’t had an approved comment before, you will need to wait for approval, as each comment from a new user will have to go through the moderation queue.

And so let’s get the discussion going.



J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR

Angelo is editor at TechNode.Global. He writes about startups, corp innovation & venture capital (plus amateur radio on n2rac.com). Tips: buymeacoffee.com/n2rac