I have virii!

J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2005


Or do I?

I blame it on myself for not regularly running my AVG’s

complete test. It automatically launched this morning, and

already found six infections five minutes into the scan. Or at

least AVG thinks they’re malware (but are most likely just cookies or

java scripts that have commands that look like malware).

At any rate, I’m still confident I’m secure:

  • I run AVG’s resident shield
  • I update AVG’s virus definitions almost everyday
  • I don’t download unexpected email attachments
  • I don’t indiscriminately click links in emails
  • I don’t indiscriminately run downloaded execeutables
  • I use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.

What about you? How do you secure your system?


and network security system



J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR

Angelo is editor at TechNode.Global. He writes about startups, corp innovation & venture capital (plus amateur radio on n2rac.com). Tips: buymeacoffee.com/n2rac