Racoma.net Relaunched!

J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2009



I often find myself envious of people who have the time and the passion to write thought-provoking articles and editorials. When I originally launched my blog, it was my intention to contribute such content to the world. I wanted to focus on making a point, making a stand, and helping people understand these.

I never realized I would gain a considerable followership (while a humble number, it’s the connections that matter, I must say). But then, one thing turned into another, and I found myself writing — blogging — for a living. And the pressure and constraints took me away from using blogging as a platform for truly expressing ideas and ideals. There have been so many “me too” posts, one-liners and link lists. There’s the pressure to earn. There’s the pressure to stand out.

Racoma.net is, in a way, the contradiction of those “me too,” one liner and link posts, in its every relaunch. You see, everytime racoma.net has been relaunched, it’s often been at a point in my life I’m trying to reach new heights (and that, perhaps because of hitting lows). And it’s a way of recreating and reinventing myself. The last time I relaunched racoma.net, it was in 2006. Now I find myself relaunching once more.

For some time, I have let racoma.net languish in obscurity, ever since I switched to this .com.ph version of my blog. Even with this most recent relaunch, it has been about 10 months since my first post. But now that is changing. I’ve been trying to be more consistent with updating the site with what I hope are thought-provoking, interesting, funny, or at the very least grammatically-correct posts.

And this is a discipline I intend to maintain.

And so, folks, I give you racoma.net. Redesigned. Relaunched. Reloaded. Re-impassioned. Re-infused with goodness and warm, fuzzy feelings.

Feel free to drop by at www.racoma.net. I have, so far, discussed Twitter, social media and, yes, even Rick Astley.

Image credit: flickr/jurvetson



J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR

Angelo is editor at TechNode.Global. He writes about startups, corp innovation & venture capital (plus amateur radio on n2rac.com). Tips: buymeacoffee.com/n2rac