Smallville Season 6, Episode 3: Wither

J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2006


In this episode, we get to see Clark’s first encounter with a Phantom Zone escapee (aside from Zod, that is). Yes, all 5 milliseconds of it. I think Wikipedia has summarized this episode pretty well:

Chloe and Jimmy stake out “Make-out Point” after a tip that “strange things” were happening there. A young boy is kidnapped in the woods, and his girl killed, interrupting an intimate moment between Chloe and Jimmy. Lex decides to throw a costume charity ball to help raise funds for the restoration process after “Dark Thursday”. Lana has conflicting feelings about trusting Lex, and she confides in Chloe. After mistaking Oliver Queen for an errand boy, Lois goes to apologize and ends up becoming Oliver’s date to Lex’s charity ball. Clark finally learns that others have escaped the Phantom Zone when he and Chloe discover that the boys being kidnapped, which now includes Jimmy, are being used to harbor the seeds of alien plants. Clark confronts the escaped criminal, Gloria (McDonald), only to have it end in disasterous results. With a little help from Chloe, Clark is able to kill Gloria. As things become serious between Lana and Lex, other romances begin to blossom between Chloe and Jimmy, and Lois and Oliver.

Some Screencaps

Clark gets jealous

Clark learns the meaning of jealousy. They did have that back at Krypton, right?

Whine, whine

“It’s been six seasons and all the script tells me is to ‘Whine, whine, whine.’”

Alexander, the Great on a bad hair day.


Queen Cleopatra whining her way into Alexander’s heart.


Betcha they didn’t have showers at the Phantom Zone!

Oliver Queen

Hey, I didn’t know Green Arrow was a Backstreet Boy!

How to download Smallville Season 6, Episode 3: Wither

If you’re dying to see Chloe and Jimmy make out (finally, no more wishy-washy-over-Clark moments), the tension between Clark, Chloe and Jimmy (love triangle?) or Justin Hartley’s abs, then you can download the torrent right here. Check out Azureus if you don’t have a torrent client yet.

Word of caution: this is only for academic/review purposes. You should not download stuff illegally. Okay, I hope that wards off DMCA complaints.

And yes, I’m doing this for the SEO. Really.



J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR

Angelo is editor at TechNode.Global. He writes about startups, corp innovation & venture capital (plus amateur radio on Tips: