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I’m a Prison Break Junkie!

Those of you who’ve been following my blog for some time now probably know I’m a _Smallville_ fan. I know, it probably sounds corny, but I do dig superhero stuff. And I do appreciate the producers of _Smallville_ have formatted the show such that it grows with its audience (when it…

Smallville Season 6 Episode 2: Sneeze

I was able to find YouTube uploads of Smallville’s Season 6 Premiere, Zod. Episode 2, Sneeze, wasn’t available on YouTube yet, though since it just came out last Thursday on the CW network. I hear Studio 23 probably won’t be showing it here in the Philippines…

Who Has Smallville Season 5?

I’ve never really been a Smallville fan as some people I know are (there are computer geeks, and there are comics geeks, and there are Smallville geeks, and geeks of all kinds). However, a few weeks back, I chanced upon a Season 5 DVD set and thought I’d catch up on the…