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Welcome to the archives

Greetings! Welcome to the J Spot Archives. Here, you’ll find articles I wrote before I moved my blog to i.ph (i.e. January 2005). I only recently imported my old articles from blogger, and I wanted to make a fresh start with my i.ph blog. Hence the older and newer articles are housed…

When blogging can get you locked up

Freedom of speech. Censorship. Human rights. These are now issues bloggers have to face, especially in the light of restrictive regimes, such as those in the Middle East and in China.

Agatha Clarisse

(Click for a larger version)

7:40 a.m., 8 January 2005: Agatha Clarisse G. Racoma was born into this world.


old posts



This is one of the newest services being offered by dotPH. It’s basically a service by which individuals (Filipinos in particular) can avail themselves of their own “i.ph” domain name without the hassles of having to register for a regular domain name (such as the need to divulge one’s…

MDGs: Ends without means?

I read (and have recently re-read) this article as published in the 9 Septmeber 2004 issue of The Economist (one of my preferred bathroom reading materials, =P ), and I can’t help but agree with the sense that UN seems to be making a lot of “declarations” but the results of its…

Loose Wire: Tips against Phishing

Jeremy Wagstaff writes (again) on phishing. He cites some tips against phishing put together by Daniel McNamara of Code Fish Spam Watch, whom he considers the “Anti-Phisher King.”