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You Know Kids Hate Sociopolitical Issues When …

Judging from the ton of comments on my post about the ZTE Broadband Deal I can say that students around the Philippines are not really into political and social issues. Why? Well, their schools ask them to make all sorts of projects, writeups and…

Keep your traffic violation tickets: LTO could scam you!

Got this via email. Apparently, some employees of the Philippine Land Transportation Office, with all its computerization projects, have found a way to perpetrate yet another corrupt practice–this time in the light of having ICT…

PCIJ i-Report now available for download

Alecks of PCIJ (homepage, blog) has put up the Center’s latest i-Report eMagazine for subscription thru i.PH Pay4Access.

This recent issue is a mix of current and less timebound stories. In our cover story, we revisit the issue of…

The Philippine Office of Civil Defense

Chanced upon this via Google. The Office of Civil Defense of the Department of National Defense has a blog! Or at least their “news” page appears to be using a content management system commonly utilized in blogs (Mambo).

Blogging Gloriagate

iblogph.org’s iBlog mini on Blogging Gloriagate is just a day away. Expect me to be there (sans the ponytail of last May’s iBlog summit).

On August 4, 2005, from 9 am to 12 noon at the UP College of Law,

UP-ISP will be holding an iBlog Mini entitled: “Blogging…