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Flock has landed

The much awaited Flock web browser, based on Firefox, has released its 0.5 beta preview to the public. Got a copy myself and I’m trying it out. I’m not yet ready to use this as my primary browser because, well, it’s still buggy (according to the developers themselves)–something expected of a beta…

The Internet could fall apart!

From the Guardian: the Internet could fall apart!

A battle has erupted over who governs the internet, with America demanding to maintain a key role

in the network it helped create and other countries demanding more


Broadband: Creating the new digital divide

This recent study (PDF download) by the PEW Internet and American Life Project assesses the implications of the proliferation of Broadband Internet access among American netizens.

Fifty-three percent of internet users now have a…

PTB’s October meetup open to the public

From Yugatech: PTB October Meet-up & Open Invite

We’ve finalized the October Meet-up schedule for the

Pinoy.Tech.Blog team next week. We’ll have it at Coffee Beanery in

Emerald Avenue, Ortigas (beside Starbucks) around 3PM on…

Be Gmobile!

From SourceForge.net: Gmail Mobile — Gmail on the move. Now if you have access to a PHP-enabled server and WAP, you can set these up so you can access your Gmail thru your mobile.

Pretty complicated at this time.

Frenzy over US$ 50 iBooks

I heard about this in a TWiT episode a couple of weeks ago, and a link to this news article from NBC12 online was emailed to me by my colleague Mico.

I never imagined it would be violent.