Your disaster preparedness checklist

Everyone needs to be prepared for any emergency, disaster, or incident.

Aga 🌤️
2 min readJul 10, 2022


Being prepared is something everybody should be involved in, especially with our country being regularly faced with hazards like typhoons and earthquakes.

A hazard becomes a disaster only if you don’t prepare for it. This is advice that my dad always tells me. He is part of a community of disaster preppers, and they are always improving on their skills, resources, and tools as part of being prepared for any disaster.

This is also one reason he encouraged me to become a licensed radio amateur like himself. This way, we can both practice resiliency when it comes to comunication. We can get in touch even when there is no internet, cellular connectivity, or even telephone. Through our two-way radios, we can talk to each other even across the entire regions of NCR, Calabarzon, and even Central Luzon to Southern Luzon.

Below is an infographic I have prepared for my DRRM class. I hope it is helpful in your own preparedness efforts.

