Chicano Blues, by Funky Aztecs

Hip Hop, Latin, Gangsta, Chicano Rap — 1992

Jaison Justus
1 min readNov 16, 2016

Viva La Raza! You can call this album as a page in the history book of Mexican-American history and Chicano Movement. Because Funky Aztecs a.k.a pioneers of Chicano rap tried to reunite and bring peace between the Mexican-American gangs Norteños and Sureños through this album. Another interesting fact about this album is its album cover. The cover represents the Norteños in red and Sureños in blue (the gang colour itself) with same dress and the same number of people to show both are same in everything. All the tracks on Chicano Blues are amazing. English, Spanglish and good enough rapping. Don’t miss this album. Otherwise, you will miss history.

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