Sadness Factor: Which Deaths in Stranger Things Hit the Hardest?

Hunter Saylor
Rad or Bad
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2019

It’s Stranger Things week!

It’s no secret that people die in Hawkins, Indiana. A lot of people die. People get possessed, melt into goo, shot, and sometimes offer themselves as sacrifice. But which death hit the hardest? For this one, we’ll separate them into 3 tiers: God, Why?//Welp, this hurts like a bitch//Who’s that?

Tier 3: Who’s That?

— Barb

Barb was the series’ first big death, and one that captivated the hearts of many. However, Barb was such an unimportant character and provided nothing, I can’t believe she was meme’d to death for a full year. But fast forward a few years later and nobody, not even the residents of Hawkins, give a shit about Barb. I’m sure she was a kind and lovely person, but her time came and went.

— Benny

You might remember Benny as the sweetheart that fed Eleven before being randomly killed by an agent. I liked Benny but I also forgot all about Benny.

— Hitmen/Government agents

I know they have friends and family that love them, but I am not one of them.

— Bruce

Jake Busey deserved every bit of his fate and it was EXQUISITE to see him get it.

— Tom Holloway

Also another giant shithead. BYE!

Tier 2: Welp, This Hurts Like a Bitch

— Sara Hopper

We don’t really know the character, but we know that our reigning MVP, Chief Hopper, loved his daughter more than anything and acts out because of her death from cancer. Did you know he still keeps the hair tie that she wore and gifted it to Eleven, who wears it on her wrist? Oh man. :(

— Alexei

Oh, my sweet Russian scientist. You were discovering the joys of small town America before your life was taken away from you. You persevered through the rigged fair games and won yourself a big Woody Woodpecker stuffed animal. You loved your cherry slurpees. You felt safe with Joyce, Hopper, and your new best friend Murray. Oh, you sweet soul, they can’t hurt you now.

— Billy

I’ve written a lot about Billy, and his time on the show hasn’t warranted much sympathy, but all it took was his last 5 minutes of life to turn us around on him. RIP Billy, I hope you find that peace and happiness you’re looking for.

Tier 1: God, Why?

— Castle Byers

Castle Byers is gone. It was a place for our residential D&D fanboy, Will Byers, to escape and relax. It was built by Will and his stupid brother Jonathan and crafted with love and care. Will destroyed it in a fit of rage, a symbolic gesture signifying that he’s done with this portion of his life. Is Castle Byers really as sad as sweet Alexei, though?

— Alexei

Yes, he was already ranked, but the hurt from his death stretches across all planes of existence. Oh, God, why!

— Hopper

Okay, so he might not be dead. But he’s dead right now. Like, as in until his face is shown on the screen, Hopper is toast as fuck. So presuming he’s dead, I just want to say goodbye to our big sad grizzly bear. My heart will always be open 3 inches for Chief Hopper, the greatest of all time.

— Bob

Super Bob! All this man wanted to was help and be a good stepdad and lover. He loved Joyce, he loved life, he loved being the reason people smiled around him. Bob was a grade-A sweetheart and I imagine Sean Astin is also real life sweetie. Look at every character he plays, they are always the people you want in your corner, the people who want to help in any way they can. RIP Bob, your death will echo through eternity and I hope you are somewhere in the universe making people happy.

