Ledger Integration Update

Ledger how-to and other updates




We built Radar Relay because we believe in wallet to wallet trading. In addition to supporting MetaMask, we are thrilled to now support Ledger hardware wallets. Ledger is the most secure, trusted, and widely available hardware wallet on the market.

How to

Connect your Ledger

  • Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer.
  • Enter your PIN to unlock your device.
  • Open the Ethereum Application on your Ledger.

Get set up

  • On the Radar Relay app, open the wallet drawer.
  • Select the Ledger radio button at the top of the drawer.
  • Follow the instructions that appear.

Use your Ledger

  • Once you’re set up, use the dropdown to set which Ledger address you want to use.
  • You should now see your token balances in the wallet drawer.
  • Transactions will now be completed or canceled on your Ledger.

Completing a transaction

We will use enabling a token as an example.

  • Click the enable toggle next to a token.
  • Choose the gas price you would like to use with the slider that appears and click the create transaction button. If you aren’t sure what gas price to use visit https://ethgasstation.info/ and look at the recommended gas prices.
  • Confirm the transaction on your ledger.

Other Updates

  • Dai pairs — Added a new marketplace selection that allows you to choose between token pair denominations. Currently available are WETH and DAI.
  • Token transfer — By clicking the paper airplane next to a token in the Radar wallet you can transfer tokens to other wallets. Make sure the wallet you are transferring to accepts the token you are transferring.
  • Support page — We now have support resources at https://support.radarrelay.com
  • New token URL’s — Each token pair now has a unique URL. For example https://app.radarrelay.com/ZRX/WETH
  • General performance updates — Updates were made to our frontend to increase application performance.
  • Chart improvements — Improvements have been made to show more accurate information in our charts.
  • Wallet filter changes — Only tokens you own are shown in the wallet view.
  • Single order view — There are now unique URLs for each order. Click the share icon next to an order on the book to copy it’s link.
  • Order modal — Clicking an order in the Your Orders tab now opens more information.
  • Forever option removal — We have removed the forever option for orders. Options available are one hour, one day, one week, and one month.

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If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to chat, join us on Slack or Telegram!



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