Radar Relay V2

Trezor Hardware Wallet, Batch Cancel, and more



The release of Radar Relay V2 comes with a lot more than meets the eye. We’ll dive deeper into what we’ve built to support future features later in this piece. First, let’s go over how this update affects you— our current users.

What it means for you

Trezor integration

Trezor fans, we’ve heard your requests! Recent updates have allowed us to integrate Trezor Hardware Wallet to our platform. You can now trade directly, wallet-to-wallet, from your MetaMask, Ledger, and Trezor wallet on Radar Relay.

Batch Cancel

Thanks to the updated smart contracts from 0x v2, you can batch cancel multiple open orders, bundling them together as one transaction, saving you time and money. You can also globally cancel all of your open orders.

Action required from users

1. Go to Radar Relay V1 and cancel all old orders

Visit app.v0.radarrelay.com/account and cancel your existing open orders. This will cost gas. But if you don’t want to pay, you can simply leave your open orders as they are. When the old version of 0x goes away in a few months, they’ll get zapped along with it.

2. Go to Radar Relay V2 and re-enable token allowances

If you’re using Radar Relay, you’ll need to re-enable tokens on V2 for trading.

We’ll be hosting the new and old versions simultaneously during this V2 transition. You can find V2 of Radar Relay at app.radarrelay.com and the now-outdated app at app.v0.radarrelay.com

If you run into any confusion, we’ve put together a support doc. We are also available on Telegram to answer any questions you may have.

What we’ve been up to

Behind each shiny new feature and design iteration we’ve released is a series of complex backend improvements that deserve a moment in the spotlight. We’d like to share what we’ve been doing under the hood and why it’s important.

Let’s start with an update on statistics to date.

  • Completed over 50,000 trades
  • Over $180 million in trading volume
  • Offer over 170+ tokens on the platform
  • Served up to 4 million API requests every 24 hours

Automated Traders

Automated traders have played a crucial role in the success of Radar Relay. These relationships helped us better understand the pain-points and advantages of using Relayers.

If you’re an automated trader interested in working with our team, email us at outreach@radarrelay.com. You can also find dedicated resources at https://developers.radarrelay.com/

Token submissions

To-date over 170 ERC-20 tokens have been added to Radar Relay. As the blockchain community grows and projects come to fruition, we’re eager to onboard them and expand the reach of the token economy. This means onboarding, not just tokens, but also the team and community. Thus we’ve created a standardized process for token submissions, to better collaborate with token projects.

Technical updates

Radar Relay’s backend and SDK has been updated to be compliant with 0x v2. This was a crucial refactor to support the v2 standard relayer API and batch cancels we mentioned earlier.

To continue building a strong foundation for Radar Relay and ensure its longevity, we’ve also taken this time to make extensive behind the scenes improvements to our app.

Updates include:

  • Optimized database queries, Kubernetes configurations, and caching leading to a 5x improvement to our API response times.
  • Improved API REST implementation which mitigates data duplication.
  • Improved code automation allowing us to ship more updates faster.
  • Implemented a custom built design framework to help us iterate on UI updates efficiently.

There is a long list of items our dev team can’t wait to start implementing, we’d love to hear from you on what’s most important. Be a part of deciding what’s released next by joining our user research list.

Try Radar Relay V2

Visit app.radarrelay.com to try the latest version of our app.



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