Introducing Radar ION

Experience the Lightning Network

3 min readFeb 12, 2019

At Radar, we’re constantly scanning the horizon for groundbreaking technologies. Last spring, our research and development program identified the Bitcoin Lightning Network as a promising technology with a stable specification and rapidly improving software. It promises fast, cheap, and irreversible payments, and potentially much more.

We began experimenting.

Nikola Tesla in his Colorado Springs laboratory, 1899 (Mediawiki Commons)

From The Lab to The World

Before we could consider onboarding the world to a new technology, we had to onboard ourselves.

Getting started with the Lightning Network was hard.

The Lightning Network is a work in progress, and its inner workings are often exposed to the user. Tutorials and documentation are spread across the Internet in forums, chats, blog posts, tweets, and GitHub repos, much of which are difficult to discover and out-of-date as the network rapidly evolves.

ION — Join the Lightning Network

Radar ION collects everything you need to join the Lightning Network on one page.

ION introduces users to the Lightning Network, helps them select and fund a Lightning wallet with testnet bitcoin, and recommends apps for experiencing Lightning payments firsthand. It also features a growing list of tools for developers and links to connect to the Lightning community.

ION Wiki — Original Content & Collected Resources

ION Wiki is our open laboratory notebook, a permissively-licensed Lightning Network wiki that stores its content in GitHub.

Contributions are welcome! Join us as we build the premier resource for educational and tutorial-focused original content on the Lightning Network.

ION News — Announcements and Project Spotlight

It’s difficult to keep track of the daily pace of apps and wallets announcements. Much of the exciting news is buried in highly technical discussions.

ION News gathers announcements, project updates, community chatter, technical content, reviews, and tutorials into a digestible newsletter format delivered right to your inbox.

Sign up here to stay up-to-date.

What’s Next

ION currently features wallets and apps on the Bitcoin testnet; mainnet recommendations are coming soon!

We’ll announce more Lightning Network tools and resources over the coming weeks. We’re excited to participate in the Lightning Network and invite you to join us as we explore and build.


