New User Interface

Over 400 updates to our UI code.



We’ve checked off our list of backend improvements and are now tackling user interface with a rebuild of our front-end. These updates are a response to the wealth of feedback we’ve received from other dApps and our community.

Token Balances and Enabling

Token Balances and enabling are now surfaced under the order handler for quicker access. This positions us to make upcoming revisions to our onboarding flow and the wallet drawer.

Order Expirations

Order expirations are now in the order handler instead of a secondary screen, saving you a step in placing limit orders.

Wider Drawer

The width of the wallet drawer has increased to make it easier to view the content inside. Additionally, it no longer pushes the UI over as the information needed to trade (Balances and Enabling) has been surfaced outside of the wallet.

Copy Address

It’s now possible to copy an address from the wallet connect dropdown. A highly requested feature by Ledger and Trezor users.

Portfolio Balances

For those of you that use MetaMask, portfolio balances are now pulled without relying on MetaMask. This will improve the speed at which they load.

New Framework

After a year of building our front-end on top of the Bulma framework, this update replaces those components with a custom Vue/SCSS framework. This allows for quicker feedback loops and is a first step in our new Radar design system–more on that soon.

The Full List of What Changed

  • Consistent padding to reduce empty space in the app.
  • Order expiration is now surfaced on the order handler.
  • A wider portfolio drawer to free up crammed data.
  • A better responsive experience for various screen sizes.
  • Global UI components, on our side, for faster user feedback loops.
  • Increased visibility of token price info.
  • Token balances and enabling now lives outside the drawer.
  • Better injected gas prices for MetaMask.
  • Less cluttered order books
  • Token balances load faster and more accurately.
  • Easily copy wallet address from the connect popover.
  • Persistent (sticky) spread in the orderbook.
  • Better hover states and interaction feedback.
  • Monospace font for table data.
  • Increased color contrast for various pieces of data.
  • Removed v2 banner.
  • Fixed search bug in the marketplace selector.

Check out the updates!

As always, reach out with feedback! We’d love to hear your thoughts.



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Building our next financial system at Core Scientific