Radar Beta Update

Introducing our beta API and “No Fee November”.



The last month of testing Radar Relay has gone exceptionally well. We were able to test our scalability and infrastructure under high load with the Request Network token launch and we are ready for higher user volumes. To our community, thank you, we value your time helping us stress test.

The Numbers

Our previous fees were .45% maker and .7% taker, but to both reward the community and stress test the app we are dropping our fees to 0% maker and 0% taker for the rest of the month of November (Midnight UTC-6). These new fees will only be in effect for the month of November and will only apply to newly placed orders. During this time we will be testing the performance of our order books under higher loads due to our new market order type, API, and no fees. After this testing period, we will be reevaluating and putting a competitive fee structure in place.

The Tech

Our beta API is live with an accompanying SDK coming soon. By standardizing around the 0x standard relayer API we’ve taken the first step to making networked liquidity a reality. We encourage other relayers implementing an API to also follow the 0x standard.

Please provide feedback, bug reports, and comments about the API in the #dev channel in our Slack.

Market Maker Program

To learn more about our market maker program please get in touch with us here.

Looking for a Job?

Radar is hiring. If you are interested in joining the team send us an email at jobs@radarrelay.com



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