Radar Relay v2 API Release

Information on the upcoming 0x Protocol v2 release.



We are excited to announce an upcoming release of our second version of the Radar Relay API and SDK! Version two includes the following changes:

For a full changelog see: https://developers.radarrelay.com/changelog

Migration Process

To conform to the 0x migration process both the v1 and v2 versions of the Radar Relay API will be available simultaneously for the duration of the migration period. The 0x team has estimated a 3 month window until all v1 orders are officially deprecated. An exact timeline will be announced shortly after the v2 release in which we will drop support for v1 0x orders and the v1 Radar Relay API.

Once V2 is released, we recommend that all v1 orders are canceled or that token allowances are disabled for each token that still contains open v1 orders. Disabling allowances on v1 will have no impact on v2 orders.

On release the following endpoints will be available:

Version 1

HTTP: https://api.v0.radarrelay.com/v0

Websocket: wss://ws.v0.radarrelay.com/ws

SRA HTTP: https://api.v0.radarrelay.com/0x/v0

SRA Websocket: wss://ws.v0.radarrelay.com/0x/v0/ws

Version 2

HTTP: https://api.radarrelay.com/v2

Websocket: wss://ws.radarrelay.com/v2

SRA HTTP: https://api.radarrelay.com/0x/v2

SRA Websocket: wss://ws.radarrelay.com/0x/v2

As always, thank you for your continued use and support of Radar Relay!



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