Pictures copyright to BookCreator


James Radburn
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2017


As a school who doesn’t have the luxury of 1:1 iPads, BookCreators summer update, whereby it is now possible to create interactive ebooks, in the chrome browser opens up a whole range of new possibilities.

Before this, I loved to use the visual storytelling of apps like Storybird but only I as a teacher could create books and it didn’t have the flexibility that BookCreator offers. I’m a big advocate of blogging, using stimulus such as the hundred word challenge by Julia Skinner, however apart from the confident writers in my class, many children cannot afford to show off their creativity.

The ability to unleash student creativity by combining text, images, audio and video creates an unlimited world of possibilities within the classroom. From creating interactive stories, retelling stories, creating comic adventures and combining children’s work is a fantastic addition to any classroom as it engages the reluctant learners.

Children adapting their version of ‘The Wizard, the Ugly and the Book of Shame’ by Pablo Bernasconi.

As Computing coordinator in a large primary school, I have been able to create ebooks to support staff in using iPads:

As well as highlighting how to ‘Inspire Computing with Robotics’:

It is completely possible to create professional ebooks, such as My Pet Monster by Robyn Torry and Jason Sand.

The ability to share books online or embed them onto our class blog breaks down the barriers of the traditional classroom. Providing an authentic audience when demonstrating their understanding by publishing their work online ensures all children are intrinsically motivated to raise their game and ensure their work is the best that it can be.

I am excited this year to investigate how Bookcreator can set a purpose for learning by enhancing traditional methods as reading and writing into a collaborative, interactive and authentic learning process to improve educational outcomes in our class.

For further support Bookcreator has a whole host of support on their blog, webinars, and #BookCreator Twitter chats.



James Radburn
Editor for

A teacher interested in technology. At the weekends can be found playing guitar, drinking coffee and cycling through the scenery of Worcestershire.