SAMR Model

James Radburn
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2017


There are many different models of educational technology integration when your looking at how to incorporate technology into the classroom. Doug Belshaw has explored several in this blog post.

One such model, SAMR originally designed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, is a model I have shared with my staff and one in which I constantly think about when introducing technology into the classroom. However as a word of warning I still think the WOW factor is a necessity when trying to engage both staff and children alike, so with any theory use it as a guideline for your own practice.

Technology has the power to enhance, but more powerfully transform how children learn from the world around them.

Graphic Created by James Radburn

A working example of the model in practice.

Original Task: Give an overview of a location [Egypt] consisting of hand written content with cut-and-pasted magazine clippings.


  • Word processing.
  • Copying information from the internet.
  • Using presentation software to construct a presentation.


  • Incorporate interactive multimedia — audio, video, hyperlinks — in the presentation to give more depth and provide more engaging presentation.


  • Create a digital travel brochure that incorporates multimedia and student created video.


  • Explore the locale with Google Earth; seek out and include interviews with people who have visited the local.



James Radburn
Editor for

A teacher interested in technology. At the weekends can be found playing guitar, drinking coffee and cycling through the scenery of Worcestershire.