Scaling Up Geospatial Projects: Using the Radiant Earth Foundation API for Advanced Imagery Analysis

Radiant Earth
Radiant Earth Insights
2 min readOct 15, 2018

By Louisa Diggs, Marketing and Communications Manager, Radiant Earth Foundation

Want to learn how to aumatically detect change anywhere in the world? Radiant Earth Foundation’s upcoming webinar is a good place to start.

Thursday, October 25, 2018
8–9am PT | 11am-12pm ET | 17–18 CET


Join Radiant Earth Foundation’s Lead Geospatial Data Scientist Hamed Alemohammad and Geospatial Software Engineer Alando Ballantyne as they demonstrate the platform’s advanced analytical methods and tools. Topics to be covered include an overview of our API (python and non-raster APIs available via, API endpoints and how to use them, How to extract/ export, annotations, machine learning, and more. A Q&A session will be held about the API capabilities.

Please note: This webinar is suitable for advanced users.

Speakers of the Webinar: Scaling up Geospatial Projects

Why is this important?

With climates changing, cities expanding, and agricultural needs continually shifting, tracking changes can be time-consuming, especially when you want to scale up your project.

Radiant Earth Foundation’s open API can scale project(s) by helping one to automate change detection, replicate workflows, and quickly perform analysis on more massive datasets. Plus, to integrate imagery with real-time data, Radiant Earth Foundation has a connected API including weather, crop suitability, air quality, population data, and satellite tracking. To get started, request your API key.

WEBINAR: Scaling Up Geospatial Projects: Using the Radiant Earth Foundation API for Advanced Imagery Analysis
When: Thursday October 25, 2018, 11:00AM — 12:00PM EST
* Register here:



Radiant Earth
Radiant Earth Insights

Increasing shared understanding of our world by expanding access to geospatial data and machine learning models.