Shared Leadership Opportunities

Dear Beloved Morning Light, sangha belongs to all of us. Would you like to find joy by sharing your skills, building our community, and engaging our practice through Sangha leadership?

Please fill out a very brief survey and consider volunteering in one of two areas

  • Finance: Are you skilled in bookkeeping, accounting, and online financial software? We need your expertise, so please don’t hesitate to step forward and share.
  • Communications: Do you love creating effective, beautiful websites, newsletters, and social media posts? We need you to share your practice of Right Speech so that our communication is filled with lovingkindness.

Please let us know if this touches your aspiration by completing a very brief survey. Thank you and a deep bow for your continued presence, it is the greatest treasure!



Karla Johnston
Morning Light Sangha Shared Blog

Poetry and writings at, happily serving Morning Light Sangha and Lake Tahoe Mindfulness Community at