Sunrise Conversation

Blue sky said ~ “There is no limit to your vastness.
It’s impossible to give yourself entirely away
no more than sunrise can mar with color,
or completely fill my open wonder.
It is the same with you, Vast One.”

Expanse gently prods ~
“There is also no diminishment.
Just like moon knows,
she is more than a crescent of light,
and the stars, studded brilliant, pierce the night,
remind of Eternity ablaze
in every source of life.”

“Do you see it?
Can you find it…
In the waking light?”
Blue Sky, open, spacious and free,
takes our hands
as we embrace the rising day.

©2018 Karla Johnston,



Karla Johnston
Morning Light Sangha Shared Blog

Poetry and writings at, happily serving Morning Light Sangha and Lake Tahoe Mindfulness Community at