Jack Baker
Morning Light Sangha Shared Blog
1 min readOct 29, 2021


What We Offer As Elders

What we offer as elders is wisdom and experience of a lifetime of sometimes great joy and sometimes great difficulty.

We have lived through great wars, political upheaval, personal tragedies, and the deaths of many folks who were dear to us.

We have learned to cope with losing many loved ones with grace and courage.

We have learned how to love one another.

We have learned how to transcend rejection and to care for ourselves and others in the midst of injustice and inequities.

We know that love and deep caring heal broken hearts.

We understand that community can be a healing place for all who truly participate in caring for one another.

We know that caring for one another with kindness and respect gives us strength to be in the world.

We have, in awareness of the above, learned not to expect so much.

Jack Baker

