And Then There Were 3!

Alex Fitschen
3 min readJul 9, 2021

Our third trivia has been completed, with another strong turnout of about 10ish teams. Some repeat teams, some new, and just an overall great mix to the room!

From my point of view, this seemed to be one of the closest quizzes that we’ve had. Lots of lead changes, some ebbing, some flowing, and our champions were crowned at the end with an amazing score…missing only I think a handful of points throughout the whole quiz — shout out to team: Your Mom’s Team. (again, she’s thrilled to be winning guys. Honestly, she may want to come to play if you guys keep doing well)

this wasn’t a phase, mom…

Sadly we didn’t have This Friggen Guy this week as our solo player, but that mantel was taken up by Emo Kid At Heart, who despite playing by herself did end up with a solid 4th place finish. Although I deemed there was a bit of collusion between them and team O’Briquinn. Don’t worry readers, the quizmaster sees and hears all…I can’t see for sh*t really…but maybe I can…you don’t know. Also, O’Briquinn, please come back, I promise that not all quizzes will contain pop music and Pokemon questions…but a lot will.

Again as a quizmaster, I had to say that listening to the two teams sharing a table — The Ladies and Justin we’re quite hilarious to listen to the entire time. Lots of squabbling and finger-pointing, some great thought logic, other times…not so much, but hell I had fun listening. And at the end of the battle of the sexes, Men we’re victorious this time…by a single point. Good job Justin. Ladies, I expect you to have a massive comeback this next week (especially since I know what the questions are)

Team Just The Two of Us are slowly improving, moving from 9th last week to 8th and well, that’s trending in the right direction, perhaps at an exponential rate? By my calculations, you’ll be a million points in the lead after a few more weeks…yep, the math checks out. Team Not Great, Not Terrible, you guys did an amazing job and actually finished reallllllly close to those top 3 places. Given some of the different themes were coming up with soon, no doubt that you guys will be seeing bronze, silver, or gold sooner rather than later.

And last team to note, REPTAR GANG. After several weeks of finishing 4th, and sooooo close to those discounts, you guys broke into 2nd wooooty wooo, and if it wasn’t for those stinking Your Moms Team (totally kidding I love you guys too).

Gahhh I wish I could give everyone discounts, beers, prizes….and some kind of consolation prizes may be in the works…who doesn’t want very common pokemon cards?! Right? I may also be planning a garage sale…no connection to the consolation prize idea I swear.

Some teams reallllllly like music apparently

Judging by the answer sheet, the audio/music round was the best chance to gain the most points. With teams getting sooo close to perfect but using that double point circle to really boost their score.

My last note to this blog is suggestions! I did leave out that suggestions are always welcomed! If there are certain themes, rounds, ideas, and everything/anything else is always welcomed…unless it’s “get a different host.” Booooo

But I do really want to make this the best quiz for all players, both new and returning. So if you tell me something you’d like, you can bet your bippy it’ll be on a quiz soon! (why tf do I keep using old timey terms…idk)

See you guys next Wednesday!

