How The Hell Are We A Month In?

Alex Fitschen
4 min readJul 9, 2021

It doesn’t seem like a month, but yep, we just wrapped our 4th quiz. And I gotta say, it’s been a blast, well at least for me. Hopefully for y’all too. We’ve gotten a fair amount of repeat teams and players, had some ups and downs, a few technical issues, and ever-changing timings of things. By that I mean, different breaks, scoring, round groupings. It’s an always-changing, evolving quiz, so that we find a healthy medium where everyone is happy…regardless of winning.

Putting in the research…

But I’ve gone back through everyone’s scores, how they related to the rounds and themes, and tried to see what teams are stronger/weaker at specific types of rounds. A balanced quiz is an ultimate goal at Radiant, well a fun one is, but balance is important to that.

Team Just The Two Of Us, I love you guys and I know we’ll get you guys up those ranks soon. And take solace, I once held a quiz where a team had the same name, and they ended with far fewer points during a quiz that contained far more possible points…and it was their first date. I’m hoping you guys are past that point in the relationship. Keeping Up With Jones’s, super stoked to have a new team with us, and glad to hear you guys had fun! We’re currently a one-person operation but hoping to expand to some more places around the county!

Alex’s Favorite Rejects + Reptar Gang, first off, thank you for being great about splitting up, after being one team, then two teams, then one team, then made to be two teams. You guys are always awesome, and definitely deserve a + ½ point for the charcuterie — that’s the classiest food I’ve had in a while, way better than my Lunchables….and I quote “what’s this orange thing…” I’m such a dumbass…

Boner Jams. I listened to your advice last time, and think the changes balanced things more so than last time. The reverb of “BONER” after every reading of your team name needs to be immortalized further and if wasn’t for the heroics of a solid last couple rounds of 3rd place, you guys we’re definitely in the points. Ya know what, if you guys ever read this, show me, and I will buy you guys a round, bet.

And onto our top 3. Don’t Touch My Dictionary. This may be a comeback for the ages, and that’s not being mean, but did you guys wake up in the middle of the quiz?! You guys went from getting just under half of the answers to an almost perfect back nine (that’s a golf term I think…) But in all seriousness, well played.

So….it finally happened.


But we do Highlander rules here, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

And no, I’m not offended that everyone thought I was older than I really am…jerks

And to be perfectly honest, I had a tie-breaker question ready to go. Which was going to be — what color was my light-saber (shut up, I know), but…there was some playing around with it earlier and a few players mayyyyy have seen what it was. So we went with the (on the fly) question — WHAT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

And while both teams put down, AN ANSWER OLDER THAN I WAS, it was 4 Peeps and a Pup that came out as the closer of the two.

I threw out the answers by the time of writing this, but I believe the answers were August 1987, and October 1989 ( actually I know they were, but I forgot the day y’all wrote…. Like 6th, and 16th or something, Idk)

Also small shout-out to the girl who had the same exact birthday as me (different year but still counts) and also the girl who said “omg he’s a Pisces”….I wanna know more about what that means…

Ok this is getting too long, it’s 2am and I apparently have to help a semi-pro soccer team play tomorrow….I haven’t played in 4 years….crap.

See you guys next week!

