Radiant Beer Trivia: The Saga Begins

Alex Fitschen
3 min readJun 18, 2021

It’s back, it’s finally back. Trivia, beer, shenanigans are all allowed again — and this time, we got the best beer in the county, nay, the state, nay….the world!

With the opening of Radiant this past year, we’ve been sadly missing out on the fun environment and bright colors of the taproom, but alas no more. (also no idea why I’m using so many old-timey words)

Today marked the start of something amazing, the first-ever RADIANT TRIVIA NIGHT. That’s right err’body, we got a custom quiz with custom shenanigans, and rules that we get to make up…sometimes on the fly. Or if I messed up…but hey cut me some slack. We be just getting warmed up. (poor grammar duly noted)

We had 5 stellar teams tonight, each averaging about 4 players — special shoutout to team Lemon Party staying strong as a pair. Nothing unusual about their team name. But they did start off strong, leading through the first round, but quickly were caught up by the rest of our sharp minded teamsteams.

Reptar and Gang may have had the best shirt, and I’m always fond of the teams that sit near me, and definitely get points for positive attitudes — hope to see you guys next week! I believe in you! Stinky and the Brain maybe takes my vote for punny name of the quiz, always appreciated, and congrats on a solid 3rd place finish.

And to our top 2 teams!

Beating out 3rd place by a single point, yes it was a hella close game, was team: Spirit Squad! They’ve got spirit, how about you? They’ve got tons of answers…something something..rhyming word with answer. Yay!

And to our inaugural champions: Your Mom’s Team (great name guys…my mom was thrilled to win) with a solid performance. Missing only a single point on our Radiantly colorful audio round, and doing quite well on our visual round.

“Your Mom’s Team” a team to be proud of

I do kinda like that on the visual round, a round on remakes and reboots. The second to last answer was Jay and Silent Bob (Strike Back) but that the sequel to that was called Jay and Silent Bob: Reboot. Which then the next image, was from the show ReBoot!

Ahhh….I crack myself up sometimes. But hint hint, wink wink, for everyone who ends up reading this, and would like to come play with us next week — there are hints sprinkled throughout the answers — we try to be clever like dat. Emphasis on try, oft failing, but a jolly good attempt we give. (again with the old-timey ishhh)

See you guys next week! At 7pm! Updated trivia shenanigans to be expected — leaderboard, pictures on the wall, website schtuff, physical challenges? Come find out!

