Trivia 2: The Second One

Alex Fitschen
3 min readJun 24, 2021

You know that feeling, when its 10 minutes until something, say, like, trivia starts. And there is only maybe 2 teams. But then just before hope is lost, like 6 big teams roll in — each with more teammates still on their way. That’s a pretty good, albeit slightly anxiety inducing feeling.

But a huge thank you to all the teams that showed up for the 2nd ever Radient Epic Trivia…still working on the name tbh. It was a blast of a night, had one off my favorite rounds I think that I or anyone ever has experienced at a pub trivia. More on that shortly.

It was awesome to see some repeat teams: Reptar Gang and Your Mom’s Team. Along with some repeat players that had some familiar faces in Team 1 and This Friggen Guy — well done friggen guy for a solid performance taking the quiz on solo bolo. Hope to keep seeing your guys faces each week!

And because it was our second week, a whole bunch of new faces popped in! Gracing my scoresheet with “Even if we lose we still have pizza” and they did make the room smell amazing…until Reptar Gang also got pizza, and offered me some. That’s a big time emotional quiz point, very much appreciated…and I forgot to come back for it (damnit). To the Two of Us Plus Two, I had a very hard time trying to pronounce that all night…also the Raising Canes smelled delicious too. Hell, I may invoke that old classroom rule about bringing enough for everyone…or at least the teacher, and by teacher I mean me…the food tax. Maybe…

Two of possibly the best team names I’ve been graced with shouting out: The Chunky Taters — and their lovable mascot Scotland the dog. And Boner Jams (pause for echo — boner!), that’s definitely a team tradition that I fully support, and a team name that I’ll proudly yell out loudly.

This week we had a few different elements to our quiz. A bit of randomness with some number…choices…things. Maybe not the best execution, but I’m willing to take some creative risks — sometimes those pan out…other times…yepp.

But with some clever usage of the ‘double points’ option, a few teams doubled on the round that had 10 possible points…and when some teams are hovering around 20ish points, thats massive gains. I promise that next week, we’ll have some more crazy shenanigans to try out, things will run a bit smoother (again) and ultimately will be an even better time each week.

Ok, for those of you who played. How hilarious was that All-Related round…yeppp, that happened.

Congrats to Team 1 for coming in first, Chunky Taters pulling out second in glorious fashion, and Your Mom’s Team who was our winners last week making another strong showing and rounding out our top 3. But those middle teams were pretty much only a point or two off of each other soooo it could be anyones game next week! Looking forward to seeing y’all again!

