AmCore 2.0: How to Build HR Portal on ITSM Solution

Ksenia Kraewskaia
Radiant System
Published in
6 min readAug 25, 2020

How to extend the ITSM solution from IT departments to other non-IT processes? Read the story about AmCore development with Radiant System, which helped AmRest Russia to use its portal for HR processes.

AmRest Holdings SE is an international company that manages 2 345 restaurants in 26 countries including global brands like Burger King, Starbucks, La Tagliatella, Blue Frog, Kabb, Bacoa, Sushi Shop.

AmRest Russia has 260 opened KFC and PizzaHut restaurants, and their success solely depends on high speed and good quality.

AmCore in AmRest Russia

We’ve written about AmRest Russia’s IT support automation using the Radiant System’s solution, OTRS CE based Service Desk. Read the AmCore 1.0 launch story here.

Today we’ll tell you about AmCore’s scaling and process automation for the HR department, which manages all human resources processes in Russian KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants, from employee onboarding procedures and staff support to HR follow-up.

The Challenge: Minimize Manual Tasks

AmRest Russia’s HR department provides security for the company and restaurant guests by means of regular HR follow-up and medical check-up of its staff. Regulation for HoReCa in Russia is very strict. Even if an employee doesn’t have a health permit for working in restaurants, the company can be given a huge fine. There were 22 specialists in the HR department in 2018, and, on average, 6 500 of restaurant staff. So, one HR specialist had to deal with documentation for about 295 employees.

Onboarding process and thorough examination of documents were always processed during a HR specialist personal visit. The HR department couldn’t be sure that all documentation was correct for every person without these visits. After a visit the specialist manually entered all data to an Excel sheet, recorded any irregularities and planned the next steps.

Such a system of management showed good results until AmRest Russia bought rights for the Pizza Hut brand. In the active growth phase the number of staff increased several fold and the HR department needed to reconsider the onboarding procedure.

The need to minimize the manual tasks in the first place became obvious. Routine operations took too much time. The AmCore portal was already installed by the IT department to automate their processes, so it became a good example for other divisions. HR department managers understood that the system could also optimize a part of current HR tasks.

AmRest HR was worried about a few questions when choosing the system:

· Will the integration with other systems be possible? The personal info was in other system and was the most popular request in HR routine.

· How flexible will the system be? Will it be possible to modify it to the department’s needs?

· How convenient will the interface be? Could the employee without any tech expertise work with the ticket system?

· How convenient would the system be for a person who checks documents personally in a restaurant?

“We’re intended to help our employees to spend less time for operation HR-processes and more time for our guests. We want our team to feel comfortable working with us and serving customers in their best way. Our goal isn’t to complicate life for them with a hard-to-use solution. Our task is to create an easy format, where it’s enough to make a simple request to get the help and handle the issue”

Anastasia Kostina, Head of HR department in AmRest Russia

The Solution: ITSM for Non-IT Department

ITSM proved itself for IT. IT Service Management is an approach for IT projecting as services. The solution is created perfectly for balance between the interests of the IT department, which is concentrated with processes, and business interest, which looks at financial benefits. ITSM helps to create regulations for IT services. The executive management and IT department record it in the SLA.

ITSM allows observing and managing IT support processes, which means that the business can grow its efficiency. For IT departments ITSM is a clear instrument for growth. This approach allows prioritizing tasks, and the head of IT has simple and compelling ways to justify the need of optimization or innovations.

ITSM is applicable to non-IT departments as well. If the department has processes of “Q&A” format, those can be automated with an ITSM solution. For Radiant System this formula proves its efficiency in every project.

ITSM approach

The AmCore platform has already shown successful process automation in IT, Maintenance and Supply Chain departments. AmCore was further developed for the HR department by Radiant System. That’s how they did it:

For processes:

  1. onboarding;
  2. first and planned medical check-up;
  3. dismissal processes.

For integration:

  1. accounting system integration: restaurants workers personal data import;
  2. the AmRecruiting system integration;
  3. medical center systems integration through web-service and email.

Additional features:

  1. storage, administration interfaces and data filing system for onboarding and medical examination processes;
  2. the instrument for flexible settings of processing dialogues, including storage requests and dynamic dialogues;
  3. the system of notifications and approvals for different level specialists; medical centres systems integration through web-service and email.

Flexibility became the main advantage of OTRS CE. AmCore could be adapted for unique HR processes both block by block or as a whole system. Due to Radiant System expertise the integration with any system already used in AmRest HR became possible. Considering the documents and personal info tasks, the fast access to any data helped to reach the main goals, to cut restaurants outcomes for staff by 17% and to minimize the manual work of HR specialists.

The Result: HRs Don’t Waste Time on Routine Operations

So, they are concentrated on more important tasks, for example, on making sure the labor law is followed and supporting employee loyalty. On average, one HR specialist handles 700–800 health permits. Can you imagine that someone manages it manually?

The common communication space

HR medical follow-up process involves 3 sides: restaurants, HR department and medical services provider. The platform let them all communicate in the common software. No one has to upload and forward documents manually, everything is already in AmCore.

10 days for onboarding

The onboarding timeline slashed from 14 to 10 days. The integration allows HR to see all candidate info when making a decision to hire someone. For example, HRs could see in two clicks, if the candidate has worked in their restaurants before and the details of termination.

The document check has sped up

Time wasted on manual info input to Excel files after restaurant visits was excluded. Notifications were installed for medical processes. When an employee’s health permit is about to expire, an employee receives a notification in their account with a reminder to be medically examined. The HR department didn’t have to manually control medical deadlines for 6 500 workers anymore.

The COVID-19 pandemic didn’t affect on AmRest’s work quality

When the quarantine started AmCore had already had the digital signature system implemented. Employees didn’t need to send document scans to the HR department, it was enough to mark that documents are digitally signed inside the task. All processes worked well, and that allowed office staff to work from home without any loss in speed and quality of work.

Plans for a future

AmRest HR plans to run a separate solution for easy contractor management. The department also is planning to develop AmCore further. In the future this platform may transform into a whole ecosystem for restaurant and logistics management.

Our clients success stories show how effective Service Desk solutions for non-IT departments can be.

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Thanks to our Editor:) Alexandra Khmarskaya

