Easter Sunday

Was Mary Magdalene an Apostle?

Easter, aka Resurrection Day, reminds us that she was

Charles Bastille
Radical Christianity
11 min readApr 4, 2021


Easter seems like a good time to remind us that Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. She was a woman from a notable family who was Jesus’s right-hand man, as it were.

When a woman establishes such a powerful presence that it is obvious she will have great historical influence, a patriarchy’s first response is to try to turn her into a prostitute, or, in the case of Hillary Clinton, the leader of a cult of pedophiles.

We don’t yet know Kamala Harris’ fate in this regard because the people who create these historical memes are still working on their project. But we can be certain that something is brewing.

Anyway, I digress. This story is about Mary Magdalene and her banishment from history.

Mary Magdalene was the first person Christ visited after his resurrection. He didn’t visit the men first. He visited her.

She was that important. (You may not believe in the resurrection, or other magic, for that matter, but I’m not interested in hearing that argument within the context of this story).

“There are many scholars who argue that because Jesus empowered women to such an extent early in his ministry, it made some of the men who would lead the early church later on uncomfortable,” Robert Cargill, assistant professor of classics and religious studies at the University of Iowa…



Charles Bastille
Radical Christianity

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Join me on my Substack at https://www.ruminato.com/. All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille