Kaniya Samm
Radical Health
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2020

The dust is still settling on the election results for 2020 — probably the most divisive election season yet — and whatever the outcome, it’s been hard on a lot of us, especially black and brown folx, our queer friends, and all those for whom unjust marginalization means the stakes are higher. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you design your perfect post-election self-care plan (with a side of follow-up resources). Let’s dive in 🏊🏾‍♀️

🖍 Make a plan.

This year’s election cycle has been TAXING, and the emotional fallout is going to be felt long after all the votes have been counted. That’s why we recommend putting together a self-care plan that you can fall back on if things get rough. And no, this doesn’t have to mean buying a load of expensive skincare products (unless you really want to). Although the term self-care has been co-opted by capitalism to sell more stuff to the struggling, it really means taking the time to listen to what your body and mind are trying to tell you. Whether you’re drawn to seeking out therapy, having a long phone call with a friend, planning a movie night, or taking a day to unashamedly do absolutely nothing, it’s so important to give yourself the time and positive energy you deserve. If you’re going through a crisis, reach out for help now.

❣️ Find your people.

Here at Radical Health, we have a special tradition: holding sharing circles for our community members, especially undocumented folks, during the election period. It’s such a beautiful thing when people from different walks of life come together to mourn, celebrate and reflect, and we invite you — our wider community — to check in with your circle for a little TLC. In-person election parties might be out, but virtual Zoom parties (or cocktail classes, supper clubs, film nights… don’t be afraid to get creative) are in. Even if it’s just staying without speaking on a call with your closest friends, as this is a unique collective experience for us all. Let’s get through this together.

📵 Don’t wait up.

We know, we know, the urge to doom scroll has never been greater. But since mail-in voting is such a huge part of the election process this year (thanks, COVID), things are going to take a lot longer than usual to figure out, and all that refreshing definitely isn’t good for your health. In a year that already feels apocalyptic, it’s tempting to add one more source of anxiety onto what’s probably already a pretty long list: but trust us, it won’t make you feel any better (or change the outcome) if you sit up all night on Twitter. Turn off your news + social media notifications and go to sleep, sis.

🆘 Want more?

Watch our founder Ivelyse Andino chat with Kat Calvin of Spread The Vote about voting aftercare ⭐️ Do Something dive into detail on their post-election self-care guide ⭐️ Here’s a good Twitter thread to help you with self-care ideas ⭐️ Get more info at



Kaniya Samm
Radical Health

As a public health and technology professional I work to advance equity within healthcare access by facilitating community-based solution-focused conversations