Being optimistic is a choice

Benoit des Ligneris
Radical Optimist
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2019

Here is the dictionnary definition: an optimist is one who usually expects a favorable outcome. While this does not seems like much, words are important.

  1. There is not obligation to always expects a favorable outcome
  2. Favorable is a very ambiguous term: favourable for you?, others?, the earth ecosystem?, the universe?

This definition is quite helpful because, as often, it is very nuanced. This is fully compatible with the pursuit of happiness: you can be sometime negative about any given outcome (no stress!). Usually, with wisdom (and an examined life) you can then redefine favorable as you see fit.

The most efficient lifelong lessons comes with a direct and very real immediate negative outcome. For instance: a car accident, a sport injury, a major failure or the loss of a loved one. Optimists will consider all aspects of this event and redefine the situation (or the story) to find a positive outcome.

Being optimistic is a choice. An optimist in action look for a reframing of any negative situations. This can happen immediately but more often than not this requires a heavy dose of introspection and soul searching.

As stated by @theStoicEmperor:

Personal challenge and key take-away: Today, please make a conscient effort to look at at least a negative situation and look for a positive outcome.



Benoit des Ligneris
Radical Optimist

Radical Optimist, Ph. D., Coach, Entrepreneur, Director of Product