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Radical Product Strategy

How to iterate less and achieve more

Radhika Dutt
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2019


In my recent talks and blog posts, I’ve shared the importance of having a clear vision to avoid common product diseases. But once you have a clear vision, what’s next? How do you translate that vision into action? Conventional wisdom says, “Through iteration, of course!”

This is the approach I took when I co-founded Likelii in 2011 to help wine enthusiasts find wines they were likely to like. We had a clear vision. And yet, I had caught what I now call the Iteration Epidemic where we try to copy the success of companies that found their success through iteration, trying one strategy after another to find the nirvana of product-market fit.

Radical Product Thinking means taking a systematic approach to building world-changing products — its’ an alternative to today’s Iteration Epidemic. Once you have a clear vision, your product strategy translates your vision (the Why) into your How. Until now, product strategy has been a fuzzy term — you realize you need one but what should your product strategy include?

Here’s an article I published on the Department of Product on the 4 questions a comprehensive product strategy should answer. The article also illustrates how to craft your RDCL product strategy using the example of able, a company delivering a culture of care to offices in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Read on…

Product is a way of thinking. Radical Product is a movement of leaders creating vision-driven change — you can download the free Radical Product Toolkit, a step-by-step guide that makes it easy and practical to apply product thinking.



Radhika Dutt

Product leader and entrepreneur in the Boston area. Co-author of Radical Product, participated in 4 exits, 2 of which were companies I founded.