Radiation-What Exactly it it?

Radical Radiation Remedy
4 min readFeb 17, 2017

As much as I would like to think that I am a brilliant writer (I’m not, but I try), somethings are best explained in video. And since I am not great in making videos- I hope to be one day- I though I would share with you some of the best videos about what radiation is on YouTube. To be fair, I don’t know if these are the bests, but these are all from channels I currently subscribe to and have seen over the years. So if you know of any better videos let me know. I would be interest in have a look.

Now before you say anything, I tried to asked permission to include these videos in a post from each of the producers quite some time ago, but none of them have yet to reply. 🙁 I think the information in each is too important not to share them with you. I have been wanting to share these videos with you for a while, so if they do reply and don’t want me to include the videos here I will take them down. But hey, they are getting more views so hopefully they shouldn’t mind.

Veritasium: An element of truth

The first three videos are from a you tube channel called Veritasium by Derek Muller. Derek is a fellow physicist, albeit more accomplished than myself. His channel is one of my favorite channels out there. The way that he approaches explaining problems is like no-one else. His strategy is to first ask you a question, to see if there are any common misconceptions out there on the topic. He then goes and explains these misconceptions about the topic. Learning about something this way tend to stick more than just reading about it. We all have preconceptions on a topic, and if we don’t acknowledge these preconceptions then tend to keep them, and any new fact we learn about a certain topic that goes against these misconceptions is automatically rejected. This is why certain people will still believe the same thing even when presented with alternative facts. If you don’t acknowledge and bring fourth the misconceptions the new information will be forgotten. If that makes any sense. You can watch Derek explain it himself in another video

This first video form Veritasium is one of his earlier ones explaining the different types of radiation and if they are dangerous. It is well worth watching to understand some of the misconceptions out there about radiation.

How Damaging is Radiation

Radiation vs. Radioactive Atoms

This next video is also from Vertasium and talks about radiation and radioactive atoms. It explains what radiation is and what radioactive atoms are. How these radioactive atoms can be dangerous. This video is still very relevant considering the ongoing issues at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan.

The Most Radioactive Places on Earth

This last video is one of my favorites from Veritatiums, my favorite being The Most Amazing Thing About Trees. It is a great video about how radiation can be scary. There is a great scale on the internet comparing how radioactive something is compared to bananas. Bananas are themselves radioactive, one of the other radioactive foods are Brazil nuts. The video goes on to show you where the most radioactive places are around the world, and how they compare to one another. The most radioactive place on earth will surprise you, so watch the video to the end!


This video is from a channel called DNEWS. This video is a good short video about radiation and the general misconceptions about radiation. It explains the term radiation and the types of radiation. The video explains what ionizing radiation does to DNA. The same principle is used to destroy cancer cells. A great video explaining radiation simply.

They have released another channel called DNEWS+ which really explains a topic over 5 episodes. They are great to listen to on the journey to from work. Defiantly go and check their channel out!

How Radiation Changes Your DNA


This is an early video from a channel called SciShow from a series of videos called “I don’t think It Means What You Think It Means”. IDTIMWYTIM for short. It is great in explaining all the different types of radiation that exist in the world. It explains the difference between ionizing and non ionizing radiation and what radiation is dangerous, and what radiation is helpful. Its a short and sharp video, so go check it out.


After watching all these videos you should get a good sense of what radiation is. Hopefully, now you will reject the misconceptions that all radiation is bad. And that you depend on radiation in your everyday life, from mobile phones to microwave ovens. Radiation is inherently useful. You shouldn’t necessary be afraid of it. Especially in your everyday life.

I have to give credit to all the YouTube video producers for making these great videos. So please, if you have some time go check out their channels. Generally the videos these guys produce are top quality and very informative, so go check their channels out and subscribe. So if you know of any other interesting videos please share them with me.

As always, thanks for reading. Please leave any feedback you have in the comments below.


Originally published at www.radicalradiationremedy.com on February 17, 2017.



Radical Radiation Remedy

Mission to improve peoples understanding and awareness of #Radiotherapy, #Radiation, and #Cancer. Your insights to Radiation Oncolgoy