Why is radiation dangerous?

Radical Radiation Remedy
3 min readMay 15, 2017

I recently saw this question on Quora and thought I should have a go at answering it. There a was already and answer there, but I thought that people should not be afraid of radiation as it is every where, and that the difference between ionizing and non ionizing radiation needed to be made. Here is the earlier answer to the question

Radiation is dangerous because it destroys deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and can cause cancer, massive cell death, blindness, and instant death in high levels. Unfortunately, it cannot be treated as we cannot simply repair broken DNA with our current technology. But not to worry; radiation is literally everywhere, from the heat in your body and sunlight, to your microwave and the Chernobyl reactor core.”

Now this was my answer to the question- Why is radiation dangerous?

When you say why is radiation dangerous, you are implicitly talking about ionizing radiation. There are types of radiation, with lower energy, that are not dangerous. Think sunlight (except UltraViolet), and radio waves (FM and AM radio), infra red (known just as heat), and other electromagnetic radiation used for WIFI signal and the likes. Its Ionizing radiation that is dangerous to some extent. Like x-rays and gamma rays, both types of electromagnetic radiation, but with much higher energy than other common radiation types. There are also particular radiation that is dangerous, radiation in the form or particles such as electrons and alpha particles. They can also be dangerous. For more on Radiation: What or where is it? | Radical Radiation Remedy

In terms of how can it be treated. Radiation is everywhere in our lives. We are constantly bombarded with background radiations from energy released from decaying products in the earth, and radiation from the sun. Here is a link to some more information on background radiation. Is Background Radiation Safe? | Radical Radiation Remedy. This has been going on for millions of years, and our bodies have been able to repair from this constant low level of tradition. Radiation is dangerous when it breaks DNA molecules. But DNA has two strands, radiation can break on strand and the DNA can repair itself. It is only when two strands are broken that the DNA cannot repair itself. The cell will then die when it goes to reproduce because it cannot repair the DNA molecule.

So you don’t need to be worried about radiation in your normal every day life because it is everywhere, even in our food. It is dangerous if you go and stay in a place like Chernobyl where the radiation levels are much greater than background levels, but we don’t do this in our every day lives. And never worry about medical radiation like CT scanners and the like. Doctors and people in the medical profession know that these should be used sparingly where the benefits from the results of the tests outweigh the detrimental effects of the radiation. And we monitor the levels of radiation closely. Here is a post about how we measure radiation We can’t feel, see, hear, smell, or taste it! | Radical Radiation Remedy

The radiation received from a CT scanner is similar to the radiation received when you travel on a long haul fight. And the background levels of radiation a low enough for our body to cope with it.

Hope this helps!

Originally published at www.radicalradiationremedy.com.



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