Announcing RentALL — Sharing Economy Platform v1.0 Stable Release!

Sudharsana Rajalingam
Radical Start
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2017

June 30th, 2017 is a long awaited date for all of us at RadicalStart. Yes! RentALL has reached a stable version. We have improved lot of our core features and squashed many bugs from our beta versions.

RentALL is a mobile friendly web app that helps entrepreneurs to build their own online Sharing Economy/Rental/Peer-to-Peer platforms without spending too much time on product development. RentALL features are highly inspired from Airbnb who is one of the pioneers of Sharing Economy.

Where RentALL can be used?

RentALL can be used to create any sharing economy platform as we have built all the required features to get you started. However, I would like to list out some of the area our early customer has shown their interest,

  • Vacation Rental
  • Yacht Charter
  • Car Rental
  • Equipment Rental
  • Co-Working Space
  • Food Share
  • Bike share
  • Collaborative economy

If you have any interesting idea, let us know. We would really love to hear it :)

How to use RentALL?

Find your niche on Sharing Economy/Rental/Peer-to-Peer industry and get your copy of RentALL and get in touch with our team to build specific features for your need and go to market.

Test your hypothesis with your customers and evolve as your customer development progress. We have designed RentALL to scale very well that helps you evolve your platform as you learn from your customers.

“We practice Lean Startup methodology and we encourage the same to our customers.”

What is included in this Stable version?

Valuable feedback from our beta users, helped us enhancing lot of our core features to make it work better than ever. Here are some of the features we have improved,

  • Improved Listing Publish — We refined this whole section to make it easy for the host to publish and unpublish their listings when it’s ready.
  • Easy CSV Export — Now, we made it easy for the host to export their transaction history as CSV file any time they want.
  • Awesome Status Indicators — We have added some awesome status indicators on Reservation and Inbox sections to convey its meaning in a colorful way.
  • More Reliable Bookings — We have added avatar verification as mandatory for the users to make any bookings. Email verification is already in place.
  • Refined Search Results — We have improved our search user interface to provide better results in a better way.
  • Auto Message Alert — Now, users can get auto alert when they receive a new messages.

You can try RentALL demo here,

We would really love your feedback :)

