Five Reasons to Embrace Flutter for your Uber-like App

Saadhika Devi
Radical Start
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2020

Flutter grew so popular among developers as it’s known for developing cross-platform applications using a single codebase. Since the release of the numerous tech companies see it a suitable option for app development. It is an open-source software development kit developed by Google. Most developers are preferring to use Flutter to create on-demand taxi business apps and uber-like app.

Here in this blog post, we are going to explore why Flutter is a good choice in developing Uber-like apps.

I. Cross-Platform Development tool

With Flutter, you can develop applications in iOS and Android apps using a single codebase. You can just develop the code once and reuse it to create apps in other platforms. It is easily compatible with different operating systems, causing no issues while developing. This ultimately saves development time for developers.

II. Faster App Development

Flutter has the feature ‘Hot Reload’, which helps in seeing the output of your code on your mobile screen at the time of development. If developers need to change the code or solve an error, it is easy for them to see the changes immediately. The changes made in the source code immediately reflected in the running app without the need for restarting.

This is possible due to the Flutter made using Dart programming language, an object-oriented programming language.

III. Less Testing Effort

It takes less time to test the whole product as the whole product built from a single codebase. All they got to do is test a single product to find any logical errors and usability.

IV. Suitable for MVP Development for your Uber-like app

Minimum Viable Product is the product having minimalistic features to get business ideas and product design validation from the customers. The MVP is usually developed faster to release quickly into the market for learning the current customer needs.

Flutter development gives the advantage of developing product applications faster and in various operating systems, it is easy to launch your product faster in the market.

V. Attractive and Flexible Widgets

Flutter technology comes with a library full of various widgets. Developers can build easily responsive apps at a short time into multiple platforms.

You can customize the widget according to the product requirements and also help in building attractive widgets in a short span of time.

To develop an Uber-like app and an taxi app using Flutter, Wooberly be the best fit for your needs. It is a ready-made Uber-like app, easily customizable to any Uber-like products, enclosed with all the essential features for the real-time working of Uber-like apps. Know more in this link

