Skyrocket your Rental Business with Customer Reviews

Saadhika Devi
Radical Start
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2019

A rental business truly reaches success when it deeply connects the customers and helps them improve their life. To reach the highest success, it is possible only by constant feedback and continuous improvements intertwining customer needs.

A customer review can help you recognise the improvements, heavily needed for business and entails other benefits as well.

Let’s understand the impact of the customer review on the business and learn how to receive good feedback and deal with bad ones.

How customer reviews help the rental business

Increases Trust

According to the survey conducted by the BrightLocal, 86% of consumers read reviews for local businesses including 95% of people aged 18–34.

A positive customer review is a goldmine for the business. It increases the reputation and builds trust among customers.

Customers take time to trust a new rental business. They wait to hear the experience of other people before they approach it. An online review informs to a mass audience about a person’s experience in trying the service of a rental business.

Increase Brand Recognition

A brand is widely recognised if awareness and usability get increased.

Advertising plays a crucial role in making a brand. But usually, it is the customer reviews take the central stage in increasing the awareness.

The truth is reviews are very persuasive as people trust other people’s experience. It also targets the right kind of people who are interested in similar things.

Increases Revenue

According to Spiegel Research Center, displaying reviews can increase conversion rates by 270%.

When the customer trusts your service, they go their way to book, which in turn increases the revenue of the rental business.

To remember is, customer trust starts from the seed of a customer review.

How to receive positive feedback

Just simply ask them

You can ask them to review about the company when they automatically come to you praising about the admirable service. Customers would be more than obliged to share their experience. This scenario usually happens when customers are extremely pleased and satisfied with the service.

But there are situations when customers are partly satisfied with the service. It’s difficult to comprehend their expectations unless you have an open conversation with them.

You can strike the conversation by asking:

“I hope you had a wonderful stay and satisfied with the service”

“Everything went well?”

“Did everything went well as per your wishes?”

“Did everything got arranged as per your needs?”

Make your customers happy

Make your customers happy to receive unsolicited reviews and attention from them.

Like always said:

Happy customers are loyal customers

When people feel more than satisfied by the service, the news travels fast in their social groups. They would also be more than happy to review the service in both online and offline medium.

More people will start recognising your brand and crowd around your marketplace.

Make it easy for customers to review

Customers should find easy to review the rental business. Feedback should take less than 5 minutes to express their thoughts.

  • Keep star review system.
  • An emoji reactive review system would be simple for users.
  • Keep polls randomly on social media to know about the audience mind.

But other than this, there are many measures and tools to understand customers satisfaction with the service.

Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score measures how likely a customer would recommend your service to other friends and in their social circle. The score ranges from -100 to 100. A score above +50 considered excellent and if a score is above +70, it is considered exceptional.

A simple question is asked, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this company’s product or service to a friend or a colleague?”

Based upon the response, the customers categorised as promoters, passives and detractors.

Promoters: Score of 9–10. They would be more than enthusiastic to recommend your brand to their friends and social circle.

Passives: Score of 7–8. They find your service just fine but not in the rage of being negative. They wouldn’t probably recommend to their social circle and their loyalty can shift if other companies offer better service.

Detractors: Score lower or equal to 6. They don’t find your service satisfactory. They might give negative reviews and would possibly speak negative about your service in their social circle.

The NPS calculated by taking the total number of respondents and converting to percentage.

The formula would be:

(Number of Promoters — Number of Detractors) / (Number of Respondents) x 100

By this measurement, we can get accurate information on the customer’s preference.

How to deal with negative reviews

Negative reviews are scary and it can swirl the company’s brand image in a minute. Here are a few tips to help you deal with negative reviews.

Respond to them quickly

Respond to them quickly and calmly.

It would reduce the fuss created and can calm down the customers for the moment. By hearing them talk/explain the unpleasant service they received, they might feel being heard, which all humans really crave about.

Apologize sincerely

Apologize genuinely on the unpleasant service happened or any unfortunate situation caused them to ruin their rental experience.

Rectify the situation

Repair the situation if you have the power and ability to solve it. If not, make sure it doesn’t repeat in the future.

Final Words

A review can either make the business reach success or can kick you deep down. A good reputation to business takes a lot of effort and hardwork. Make sure your rental business service is exceptionally good.

To start your own rental marketplace platform, RentALL a good choice for entrepreneurs.

