Why we need Feminine Climate Leadership (an invitation)

Jess Serrante
Radical Support Collective
2 min readApr 1, 2022

The climate crisis is a crisis of leadership.

For too long we’ve defined “good leadership” by a patriarchal, capitalist standard of “professionalism”. We’ve been taught that to lead well is to always have the answers, take charge (and credit), and have little or no feelings of your own.

This way of leading has given rise to the destructive, oppressive economy that created the climate crisis and when we lead in this way, it is isolating, dissatisfying, and ultimately ineffective at moving us toward the life-affirming, loving, community-driven climate solutions that we need.

Feminine leadership is the antidote to the patriarchal power structures responsible for creating the climate crisis and its false solutions. There is no singular definition of feminine leadership, but we love how Ayana Johnson and Katharine Wilkinson, editors of All We Can Save, define it, as leadership that is compassionate, connected, creative and collaborative.

This feminine kind of leadership is blossoming in our movements– more and more we see leaders choosing collaboration over competition, healing over othering, and leading from the heart rather than just from the head. And, we need more! To build a just and life-sustaining society, we need feminine leaders at the helm of our movements, healing and building our communities, guiding our organizations, and birthing powerful visionary projects.

Demonstrating feminine leadership despite the patriarchal waters we’ve spent our lives swimming in is a practice! Many of us yearn to experience ourselves as leaders who infuse compassion, connection, creativity and collaboration into the ways that we organize, problem solve and build culture as we work together to address the climate crisis.

If you’re a climate leader who wants to embody your vision for the transformational feminine leadership you yearn to contribute, we have an invitation for you:

The purpose of the Feminine Climate Leadership coaching group is to support climate leaders to embody feminine leadership — leadership that is compassionate, connected, creative and collaborative — in their work and lives so that they are effective and supported while experiencing satisfaction and deep meaning.

This group will be led by RSC coach Jess Serrante, and it starts on April 25. Set up an interest chat with Jess before the fourteenth if you want to join!

Learn more & sign up for an interest chat with Jess at Radicalsupport.org/fcl



Jess Serrante
Radical Support Collective

BK based coach for social change leaders and co-founder of the Radical Support Collective. Lover of all things climate justice, cold water plunges, & poetry.