Digital assets and where to use them (in 100 seconds /video)

Ansgar Knipschild
Radical Uncertainty
2 min readOct 30, 2017

In this short video I would like to give you an overview about digital assets and where to use them.

The first usecase is paying with a digital currency: You use the digital asset — for example bitcoin — to pay a merchant or a friend by sending him digital money using a simple app. But — currently digital assets like Bitcoin have a lack of general acceptance and are too volatile to be used as a full equivalent to „real“ money like Dollars or Euros.

The second usecase is investing in a digital asset. You invest midterm or longterm as you would do with traditional assets like silver, gold or securities, betting on a rising price. Digital assets can already be used today to diversify risk in your personal investment portfolio. A broad range of so called digital coins or tokens is already available globally.

The third usecase is using digital assets as a commodity for digital business — like oil, gas or electric power is used in traditional industries. The digital asset is used to power digital platforms and to pay the carriers of the digital infrastructure. The most promiment example for this usecase is the Ethereum blockchain platform with it’s own digital asset called Ether (ETH). It is traded wordwide with a market capitalization of 8 billion US Dollars.

I hope this short overview will help you to get a more differentiated view on the risk of digital assets — it all dependents on the concret usecase!

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