Why not… use Alexa as your digital assistant for brokers? (in 100 seconds / video)

Ansgar Knipschild
Radical Uncertainty
2 min readOct 30, 2017

Alexa is a $100 voice assistent produced by Amazon since 2015. It’s main purpose is to offer voice controlled services in your home, eg. playing music, reading the news or switching lights on and off — all controlled only by your voice.

So it’s a little bit like Apple’s Siri — but it’s „always on“ and understands your voice commands much better.

Why not… use Alexa as personal assistant for the broker or the underwriter? Think of a human secretary which gives you quick answers to the brokers questions about customers, market data, risk parameters or a quick premium calculation.

Other companies like Microsoft and Google are heavily investing in these kind of solutions and more and more voice based assistants will appear in the near future: At home, on internet platforms, in your car and — much better than today — on your phone.

Who will be the first mover in the insurance industry? Who pushes this technology into the officies of their brokers and underwriters to be more efficient and quicker in their responses to their customers? Who will be the first who will digitize even call center activities by fully automated voice based assistants?

More info: http://insurance.mgm-tp.com

