What’s Your Big Idea?

Michael Chard
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2018
Photo by G. Crescoli on Unsplash

Ideas make the world change. I can recall a time before a computer was an everyday household item, a time before cell phones, before self driving cars. An idea sparked and made each one of those things possible, before any other work was done.

But not every idea grows from a small seed of a thought, into a fully fleshed out oak tree of magnificence. So how do we remove the blocks that keep our ideas from becoming realized?

While struggling with this lately, I asked myself ‘What is my big idea?’ I’ve had some good ideas in my time, but all of them were inherently small because of limitations my mind had placed on itself. It didn’t believe that opportunity could knock, because too many people had told me to ‘be realistic,’ or that I ‘dreamt too big.’

Photo by Félix Lam on Unsplash

Well I don’t want to think that way anymore. I want Radically Different to become my big idea. So far, within the company, our biggest idea is to open an Artspace that acts as a studio but also as a venue. A place where others can come to have their ‘Big Idea.’

It would be available to artists of any kind, with space for everything from visual art, to video and photo shoots and audio recording. It would also have offices and computers for graphic design, editing and animation and would function as a concert space or theatre at night, with a licenced bar.

We have noticed a lot of art space and concert venues have closed down in our area of Central Ontario and we want to find a way to solve this problem. When a local theatre only has ticket sales to rely on, and has to close down, or when a band doesn’t get paid because a bar can’t afford to split the night’s profits, we see an issue.

Photo by Nick Hillier on Unsplash

The Artspace would actively help struggling artists find a way to get paid for their services. From the use of online resources to launch a platform for generating ongoing revenue, and also networking and connecting to local community members and businesses in need of artistic services.

Now that we have our idea, how do we ensure it does not get blocked like countless ideas in the past. How do we make it a reality? Well, as a wise person said to me recently regarding success, ‘You can’t do it alone, you need other people.’

