Joining Radicle: Julia Bodack, Research Analyst

Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2022

By Julia Bodack

Prior to joining Radicle, I completed my Bachelor of Science degree and reached the daunting conclusion that I would not follow the traditional path of my classmates into the fields of dentistry, medicine, or clinical research. For four years, I immersed myself into the complex world of life science attempting to convince myself that it was my passion. Medicine was the logical and easy answer to the pestering question of, “what do you want to do after graduation”? It left my parents proud and strangers impressed. Trying to achieve this unappealing goal, I spent many days alternating between windowless labs and starkly quiet libraries, diving into the nuances of immunology, anatomy, and biochemistry. It took a global pandemic and much self-reflection for me to finally prioritize my happiness over societal norms and expectations for a pre-med student. While medicine is an incredibly noble profession, it wasn’t right for me. So, I went back to the drawing board searching for a career that could satisfy my deeply held curiosity for the world around me.

From late-night searches on LinkedIn and every job board in existence, I came across this position at Radicle and it immediately piqued my interest. While I was not well-versed in the startup world, I have always been fascinated by new innovations and constantly excited by technologies that could change common practices and ideas. I felt underqualified for this role, but I hit apply anyway and crossed my fingers that they would take a chance on a young girl from Canada.

After a few short months at Radicle, I can confidently say that this job has exceeded all of my expectations. I was immediately put onto projects that were challenging, but also interesting. From mineral salts to digital microfluidics, I was encouraged to dive into fields I’ve never even heard of before, and given the opportunity to learn from industry experts. However, more importantly, the team and culture at Radicle have impressed me time and time again. I was welcomed with open arms and everyone made the onboarding process not only straightforward and easy, but also enjoyable. From weekly lunches to lively debates, Radicle has cultivated a group of people that are constantly pushing and challenging each other to rethink commonly held beliefs and ideas.

Without a doubt, I made the right decision not to pursue a medical career. My few weeks at Radicle have only fueled my curiosity and desire to learn more about startups and technology. I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I do know that Radicle will have an everlasting impact on my development and view of the world.




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