Cosmic Journeys — Rosalind A. McKnight

Published in
38 min readAug 21, 2014

Reading Notes

Ch.5 Communications:

Physical System:

Levels of consciousness in human system: etheric-substance, emotional, mental, and spritual levels. There is no limitations. It is important to re-educate the human mind of how to think instead of what to think.

Human minds are capable of traveling into the depths of every type of universe, to tap into all knowledge that exists. At the base of every human system is the very principle of universal knowledge. Every call in the body is a pattern of the whole, and is a universe in and of itself. All knowledge exists therein. Every human system is capable of tapping into that source, which is its very being. When this knowledge is understood, the human mind and human soul are then freed to explore the depths of all possible universes, which are all within.

The body is no way a boundary. It is just an encasement — a storage place for the human system to energize. But there is one important factor to take into consideration. All systems must be “go”. Thought, or emotional levels, can in and of themselves block the communication flow.


OOB travel is a term used to describe the manner in which the energy body, or soul, can function in the other dimensions of its own being. The freedom to move into other dimensions has to do with vibrations of the overall system, and this varies depending on the balance of energies.

There are different ways in which souls can tap into various levels of knowledge. Each sould has its own soulprint ( same idea of fingerprints ) and special form of communication.

Levels of communication:

One level is the sending out of thought. Thought is an energy more real than your physical body, because every thought you have goes somewhere. You think of a person, alive or deceased, and they pick up the thought instantly. Thought can travel into all levels inside and outside of time.

Another level of communication is receptive, where, when all energy systems are ‘go’, communication is picked up on the mental wave-level from the time and timeless dimensions. The timeless are the dimensions from which we communicate. It is hard for humans to understand timelessness when they are locked into time.

Why communicating with US:

There are no limitations in your dimensions, other than those that you put upon yourselves. This concept is difficult for human to understand, since you are locked into ‘spatial’ concepts, as well.

In reality there is no time and no space.


Souls who are in the flow of their own higher attunement know that there is no death. Death is just another beautiful experience.

Guiding forces

There is a God-force in the universe, the highest energy, the highest consciousness level of existence, constantly working to guide you back to your true natures. There is no before or after; these are merely confining concepts. There is only NOW in the reality of existence.

We continually work with all souls to bring them into their higher level of transformation. Hell is a state in which souls are locked into levels of stagnation. We will work with all souls from the earth plane until they come into their highest level of light transformation.

Ch 6. More than physical Matter

The earth is indeed a living entity — that it, like me, is more than a physical.

Ch. 7 I can perceive that which is greater

Flowers are a reflection of the beauty that is within all humans. Green is the color that brings balance into the universe.

Grass’ basic purpose is to be walked upon, they enjoy the appreciation of humans who share and delight in the very purpose of its existance.

If human would relate at least five minutes a day to their favorite tree by sitting under us, touching us, climbing us, they would become revitalized. Trees acts as a battery for humans, their purpose in life is to bring stabllity and regeneration.

Water is movement and keep us alive.

Earth is the stable factor for other levels of consciousness because it gives nutrition to the body and soul. Many human are out of attunement because they are takers, not givers and receivers. When humans take from nature and fellow humans and do not appreciate that which was given, they cut themselves off from aspects of their own natures. Man has bring imbalance to the earth by taking without giving back. The earth must give and receive from each other just as any loved ones would do, appreciating, respecting, and loving. However, many humans walk upon Earth as if it were nothing more than dirt, continually taking, and giving very little in return but negative energies.

Certain areas of high negative energies will be the first areas of cleansing. Many are thinking selfishly of their own survival. But survival is something that goes far beyond the physical level. Those souls concerned only with survival are caught up in their own imbalances. Those souls concerned with attunement to all levels of life can give and receive joyfully and gracefully, and can help in the raising of all levels of earth’s consciousness, without the painful breakdown of its elements.

Earth is still a child in the cosmos and have much growing to do. Many growing pains will take place within the next several years. The outer manifestation is only a shadow existence of the real. Everything that happens is helping to bring all levels of consciousness back into their own higher exitence.

Air is a pure service because it nurture all that it come into contact with. Humans are also on earth to serve. Life is a giving and receiving, not just a taking. All is one, and one is all. Everything in the universe has an effect on everything else.

Earth feels like the physical counsiousness, the water the mental, and the air spiritual, fire is the emotional level of consciousness.

As fire, it is the balancing point in cosciousness that creates friction, thus transformation. Nothing is destroyed. It is only transformed from one element to another. It is the fast-moving vibrations that keep all levels of consciousness in contact. It is change, heat, movement, and love.

Earth, Water, Fire, and Air are very important to the consciousness of man. They are tied into the levels of human consciousness. Everything is so interdependent, one could not function without the other. ‘All is one and one is all.’ There is no separation in consciousness. Separations is perceived only by the stagnation of human consciousness; it means living in a state of unreality.

Humans are stagnating, cutting themselves off from experiencing their own true natures. Unless humans get back into attunement with the self, and thus with all levels of consciousnes, they will destroy the physical manifestation of their own experience.

Thankfulness, joy, stability, movement, beauty, and love are all aspects of this great symphony that is called life. Those who are not in tune with the universal music cannot experience true life, only stagnation and death. Stagnation is death. Humans were put upon earth to help raise the consciousness levels of the earth. But humans must get into attunement with their own inner orchestras.

Ch. 8 Nature’s Hierarchy

Different dimensions of counsciousness in nature

Earth’s energy is dull coming out of areas that are built up in large cities. There are ways that we can create on the earth but still preserve vibrant energy. We must work in cooperation and communion with the forces of nature. We must build on the energies that are there, and not destroy them in the process of creating man-made forms.

Man must come into the same attunement ( as fairies) with all aspects of nature, because everything around is alive with many levels of counsciousness, many levels of life.

We all have jobs on the earth. And if we are in tune with what we are doing — or are supposed to be doing — we will feel a complete sense of fulfillment and purpose in living. There is a special purpose in nature for every being, and that purpose is to live in the fullness of your own creativity. As you are released into this fullfillment, you will know nothing but great joy and love. If every being does what it shuold be doing, working and sharing for the growth and good of all, it will live in the highest of its energy levels. If human beings get too caught up in their own selves and their own selfish fulfillments, they lose the sense of joy and accomplishment that comes with being in tune and in touch with all aspects of nature.

Sunbeings are a part of the deva-consciousness of the universe — they are the ‘devas;- the architects that help to create energy form. The message of the sunbeings is that everything in the universe is interrelated and each must help the rest. Every element is playing its own special tune to play in the universal orchestra of life, just as every soul has its own special tune to play in the universal orchestra. Everything is special. Nothing is wasted. Everthing and everyone has purpose and meaning in the universe.

What must humans do to change?

Man will destroy his very nature if he does not come into a better attunement with nature itself. Humans must learn to give as well as receive. Humans must be conscious of greater appreciation for their own nature — their own being. As a result, they will respect and appreciate all levels of life. You have to have love energies in order to give love. Therefore, humans must begin by loving self so much that they share this love energy with everything they come into contact with. We stunt our individual growth and the growth of the universe around us when we get locked into our own negative and selfish energies. We must learn to release, with love, our innate energies.

There must be a continuous flow going into and out of us at all times — just as the sunbeings go into and out of all levels of life, including humans.We should be continually appreciative and thankful. Thankfulness creates a very special circular energy in our lives — a creative flow of giving and receiving.

The darker, dieseased areas of the earth’s energies can be revitalized as humans clean up their personal states of consciousness — change the way they think, creating flow instead of stagnation.

The earth has to be cleaned up from inside out. We are what we think. The earth becomes that which humans are, because the energies are so interrelated. Where there are polluted thoughts, there are polluted areas upon the earth’s surface — dark, grey, diseased spots in the earth’s aura.

Ch. 9 Expand to the moon and spaceship

Spaceship: Monitoring the energy vibration, it is very important because negative energy paterns can affect energy systems throughout the universe. They are not able to make the conscious physical contact with the earth they would like to have, until our overall thought patterns become less conflicting. If they can find any level on the earth, or any individual where there isn’t great mental conflict, they are able to make direct contact.

So, if on the earth there is one individual, or one group, who really concentrates on positive levels of communication without conflict thoughts — which include such emotions as fear, anger, anxiety, and jealousy — these space beings are able to beam down.

There are other beings in contact with the earth, but our negative energy patterns often attract negative forces from outer space. It’s the like-attract-like principle.

They don’t feel they should interfere in our growth process unless it’s absolutely neccessary to do so, but conflicting energies among earth are a constant concern. They have been observing us closely, just as parents would oversee the development of a child, trying to let it grow naturally on its own but intervening when mature guidance and help are needed.

When energy form from the planets that destroys themselves, they seek similar energy forms on other planets, and this disturbs the energy patterns of these planets — just like an earthbound spirit that attaches itself to a physical home (planetary ghost). Another problem is that when death comes rapidly and traumatically to a planet, the inhabitants are frequently unaware that their physical forms have been destroyed. They are now in their etheric-substance energies, but they expeirence this as they would their previous physical energy bodies. This sets up even stranger and stronger energy-reality patterns, and it takes longer for evolutionary growth to take place. It’s like a rescue case on the earth plane. Someone has died and doesn’t reallize it. The person gets locked into time warp, and it takes a higher consciousness breakthrough to help release him or her from the emotionally charged energy cells.

An indivual will have to work on blending and purifying his energies for more direct communication. The less populated, the fewer the conflicting energies. Cleansing your thoughts and energies is very important. Also, the energies have to be blended and raised with higher thought-forms and levels of love.

Ch. 10 The Afterlife and the animal dimension

Thoughts are reality and when we think of someone, we are being with that person. ( connect with passed relatives).

We must learn to use pure thought-forms on the earth plane. In healing, we can learn to release negative energy from our bodies and allow pure energy to come in. Everything is live energy.

Group-soul relationship among animals: When the group soul evolves to a certain level, then a choice can be made. If an individual animal wants to evolve into another type of animal, or species, to learn a certain type of lesson, it can.

It seems that the energies of every soul go through all of the elements. The energies of a stone or rock evolve into vegetation — flowes and trees. Then these energies evolve into movable forms from the immovable — they can begin to have a type of mobility that is not as dense. There is thus an evolution through the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. In the animal kingdom, wild animals can evolve into more demesticated ones. And then, at a certain point, a group soul of animals can evolve into a human consciousness.

It’s not that a human being was once a rock, a tree, a dog. It’s that we have all the levels of consciousness within us that exist in all aspects of the earth-consciousness, and we must experience these aspects of our being before we can evolve into our higher natures.

How does evolution take place?

There are many different levels and ways that it can take place. It has to do with choice — and the needs of the soul. There are many levels that souls on the earth plane have not experienced. The earth plane is just one very small drop in the ocean of the levels and types of consciousness that exist in the universe. Those souls that are attracted to the earth level are on a certain rate of vibration.

I can see that on the earth plane there is another dimension. It’s like looking into a mirror. It’s as if everything has both a dense and a pure state, connected, woking on a consciousness level together.

There are group souls that every human being is a part of on another level. They are called teachers, angels, helpers, or guides. Every soul on the earth has a reflection of its higher self, which it can tune into at any time for help, guidance, and support. It’s the same for everything that’s alive — and everything in the in the universe is alive.

Ch.11 The importance of knowing

The ‘unknowing; is the time-nature of self, and the ‘knowing’ is its timeless nature. I see different aspects of myself, on different parts of earth. In the timeless dimension, I exist in all of these natures. There is no separation. But in the time zone, I experience other people as separate existences.

We come into the time zone of earth at certain levels for special lessons in balance. Our souls choose these time-zone lessons, and we go to specific ares where the energies are right for our personal growth.

The difficult lifetimes were important in burning out some heavy stuff within my soul aspects — of one’s lower energies. Soul growth takes place through achieving balance. Everything in the universe is rhythm and balance. We incarnate into the earth-time level in the that same pattern of rhythm and balance. When things get really hard, it’s all for spiritual growth.

Each soul has its higher and lower points of energy. As the soul develops, it vibrates at faster rates. Souls whose vibration rates are on slower or denser levels will continue to come back to the earth in situations in which the energies of the earth are more dense and on a slower vibration. The denser situation creates a friction that has a way of speeding up the soul level of growth.

Souls can come back only into the level to which they have developed. After a high experience, the soul might come back into an earth area of its lowest-vibrating energies in order to bring all parts of itself into higher energies. It works in rhythmic patterns. A soul can fluctuate back and forth from its lowest to its highest energy levels. And it would come into those earth time where the needed energy level exist. The soul of earth goes through similar patterns of growth.

Souls cannot progress unless they help others on the road to enlightenment. They must continually give, put their energies our to the earth levels of existence, in order to experience continual growth. Give — and you shall receive. When a culture evolves to a very high level but does nothing to raise the vibrations of surrounding cultures, there will be internal collapse. Everything that is learned must be released into the universe. Nothing in the universe can be possessed. No person can posses another person without negative energies creating internal destruction.

Flow and release is the secret of growth. It is unnecessary to hold onto anything in the physical universe. Nothing is real in this physical realm, and it will all pass away. The holding-on nature of consciousness just delays the growth of a soul. The highest energy is love energy — a basic concept that Jesus came to show the earth.

The earth is shifting into higher energy, the turning point will be in how we share what we have learned. If our inner motives are for the good of all, then there will be evolvement in the earth-time zone. If the energies become selfish and get locked in, then there will be periods of breakdown until we learn our lessons.

How does a sould gets in touch with the ‘knowing’ level?

It’s important for souls to turn within. This is the very essence of prayer and meditation. Prayer is talking to God — or giving. And meditation is listening to God — or receiving. We need this circular balance in order to come into wholeness.

Our dreams are important in keeping us in touch with our emotional state. Be very interested in what your higher self is telling you through the dream state. We continually work out problem situations through our dreams. We also receive many insights into ourselves. Dreams keep our daily emotional ‘temperature.’

Be aware of what you think of others. If you see a negative aspect of another person and are critical, it is often an aspect of yourself that seems to glare out from the other being. Each time you are critical of another person, turn within yourself to see what it is within that triggers this reaction. It is usually because you are seeing a mirror reflection of something you don’t like about yourself. Look into this mirror continually and release these negative emotions when you discover them to be your own.

The greatest sumbling block of human nature is the ego of the lower self. This is the self that sees only itself and believes that only what is connected to it is important. Anything outside of its own world is to be judged and condemned, just because it isn’t part of this lower ego-consciousness. That is, the ego doesn’t perceive itself to be connected with anything that it considers undesirable.

Life is how you perceive it. Live each day on the tiptoe of excitement. And know that everything in the universe is good, even the hardest experiences, and everything is working towards your evolvement. Go with the flow of life, and do not resist your lessons. Give everything away that you receive. You will find that what you receive in return is a greater understanding of your oneness with all.

Ch. 12 Understand: The golden level of Love

Before a person can really do anything, he or she must know and experience the absolute importance of his or her own existence. One must have total and complete love for self before one can know and experience love for another. Love is energy. We must experience the miracle of living, loving, being, and becoming.

Ch. 13 Control: The Food you Eat

You should be willing to work carefully with your own vehicles and your own energy systems by following diciplines. Is is important to set an example to yourselves, as much as to anyone else. It is not important to be concerned about what others think; it is important to be in control of, and to be respectful of, your own decision-making process.

The important food to eat are the natural foods — foods that have not been tampered with by humans. Artificial ingredients that enhance a food’s state and appearance are detrimental to the energy system.

Many diseases that are a part of the modern life on the earth come through the foods that have artificial man-made ingredients. What happens is that the energy balance in the food is thrown off, and important vitamins are often destroyed. The artificial ingredients, in turn, throw the energy balance off within the body. The body becomes starved for its natural sources of energy; if it is not satisfied, disease sets in. Disease occurs when the body gets out of balance.The mind and emotion also have a great deal to do with the energy imbalance and disease.

An important rule is to follow is to seek the natural flow of energies — natural foods, your own natural thoughts. Stay away from the artificial — that which is not in tune with your energies — food — wise and thought — wise. This also includes humans. Do not let artificial humans(?) have control over your life. Anything that is artificial is not in touch with its own energies.

Fresh juices are excellent for the system. Citrus juices are especially helpful to the body. The body can receive natural sugar through all types of fruits.

Those who tend to eat from an emotional level often take foods into the body to overcompensate for emotional deprivation. This is detrimental to the body. One must eat from a mental level, having control over the food that is taken in. When the emotions are in control, then the body is often abused.

When you eat the natural foods, you are eating live foods. Live foods are foods that have the vital life energy source still in them. The live elements in each cell in the body crave the live elements in natural foods. It is the like-attracts-like principle. When the consciousness levels of the self become stagnant or dead, so to speak, they attract dead foods. When the self is vibrantly alive, it attracts the alive foods.

Eating green, leafy vegetables is another good form of cleansing, or yellow vegetables. Not to mix fruits and vegetable at the same period of eating. Not to overload the system with large amounts of meat products.

Meat products are heavier in vibration and put a great load on the digestive system. People who overload the system with meats will have more energy problems, because the body is spending most of its energy digesting these products. Meat energies take away from the bodily energies. But the live foods, being lighter in vibration, do not put a great strain on the digestive system — therefore giving the body more energy for external functioning.

Meat also have a variety of different vibrations. Animals of the lower earth vibrations, directly connected to the earth, would have the slower-vibratory levels. Those humans of the lower earth vibrations are strongly attached to the flesh of the earth-associated animals ( red meat, pork, and other meat of earth-associated animals). Fish and fowl are of a higher source of energy.

Everyting has vibrations, everyone that handle a product leaves a vibration on it. Therefore, you are getting mixed vibrations into your system when you eat foods that go through many human processes. Even seeds you purchase for raising your own foods are usually touched by human hands, so you need to cleanse and bless them with loving thoughts.Remember that the life force within the foods you eat responds to the life force within you.

With everything that you receive, put a blessing of thanks upon it. Be thankful for every bit of food that you put into your mouth. The live elements within food are in touch with the consciousness of thanksgiving. Do everything with appreciation and thanksgiving. This puts a new level of vibration upon everything that you take onto yourself. This attitude of praise and thanksgiving has a cleansing element about it. This attitude will also help everything that you take onto yourself have a stronger return in value. The same attitude should take place with the cloths that you put on your body (everything in contact with you).

Ch. 14 Greater Energies and Energy Systems

Planet earth is now coming into a new level of energies. When enough humans are in the higher consciousness, the conscious communication with higher energy forms will take place. On the first two and a half levels of consciousness, where the earth is finctioning right now, there is so much fear that direct communication would not be possible. Many higher-vibration souls from other dimensions are inhabiting human bodies in the earth plane to help in the opening up of the consciousness of the earth level. It will be observed that many touth around planet Earth will possess higher energy levels than the norm.

Just as you have to lead a small child through levels of knowledge as it grows, so it is with the earth level, which is still in its puberty state. If direct communication took place, there would be so much fear and panic that more harm than good would occur, because Earth is not ready. The groundwork has to be laid very carefully.

How can we help souls move into this third dimension?

Each soul must function more fully from its own inner space. As the energy polar systems within the self come into greater balance, they begin to shift into higher levels of vibration. Helping souls get into a deeper understanding of their own existence.

< Sleep helps regeneration and recharge the energy system. Dreams are related to lower-vibratory levels, emotional, or lucid dreaming depends on one’s energy level. >

Ask and you shall receive: as the question comes into your consciousness, it is opening up a level where the answer will be known and understood. Either it will come from within, which is the best way, or you will receive the answers from another source. Once the thought is out there, the answer will come. Be patient and follow the flow.

Ch. 15 Out of body energies


The grief process on the earth plane of those who experience the loss of their loved one is an important stage to go through, because it is a way of releasing the emotional energies that are tied in with the energies of the soul who has made the transition. When the grief process has passed, the soul in transition is more free to continue its journey into new levels of its own being.

Souls are in different states when they pass into their new energy forms. When a soul passes through rapidly, or has had an extended period of illness in which all of the energy levels have been depleted, it sometimes takes longer for the energies to become adjusted in the higher vibratory rate in this dimension.

In the earth level you think of death in terms of time. But from the timelss dimension, death is merely a change in the rate of vibration in its movement into a new existence.


When an individual soul has the experience of going out of body, it is fels as movement through space. But a true OOB experience is not movement through space; it is a change in the vibration from the physical self to the higher-vibratory levels of the etheric self.

As you know, we have spoken of the five bodies of the human self — physical, etheric-substance, emotional, mental, and spiritual. People go OOB at different dimensions of these five bodies.

When the soul has the OOBE where it can look down or back and view its physical body and then explore in the physical or astral realms of consciousness, it is functioning from the second dimension of self, called etheric substances. When the soul function at this level, there is usually strong sexual energy flowing. It often works to faciliate the separation of the etheric-substance body and all dimensions of self above it into a flow or pattern whereby the self experience itself separated from self.

In the second dimension of self, the experience are more vivid and real from the standpoint of being more closely tied to the earth energies, and therefore more related to the consciousness of the soul having the experience.

Often this dimensional state is associated with exploration of physical level on the earth plane itself. Many souls will be attracted to loved ones, or to places where they have existed in past lives, just to get reenergized — to ‘check in’, so to speak.

The next level of separation is the third dimension of self, which is the emotional level. Souls that separate at this level leave both their physical and etheric bodies behind. Therefore they are a finer substance, and usually are traveling on emotional thought-forms. In this dimension physical experiences are not as vivid, but the emotional levels are stimulated.

Thus when a person has had a stong third dimension experience, the emotion of the experience are often much more prevalent than the visual images. Here, the soul will come into contact with many with whom it has strongly tied through many energy levels of lifetimes. Such souls will also experience direct confrontations or meeting with loved ones.

In the emotional level, one often has powerful experienec of reliving strong energies from a past lifetime upon the earth — that is, from a thought-form embedded in this emotional body. These experience will be so vivid in the emotional level that the soul knows that it has been there, wherever ‘there’ might be. However, ‘there’ is usually outside the time-bounds of the earth level.

Remember taht when the soul separates from self at the third level it takes with it all the selves beyond that, leaving the physical and etheric bodies in quiet relaxation. The energy tie is always there, but the two dimensions of the self are not actively finctioning.

There are no other levels than the physical to provide protection, and the body is more susceptible to invasion. Thus, for those aware of this type of second-dimension travel, it is important to call in all known energies for protection. This could be an affirmation of protection, or the calling in of soul or spirit guide to watch over the body.

It is also possible to put strong energy barriers around the body to keep out foreign energy levels. There are many souls that are ‘dead’, so to speak, that are still attached to the lower physical realm and seek shelter in any pattern that has any type of opening for entry.

There is more protection when the soul travels out at dimension three because its etheric body is left behind with the physical. This automatically leaves a stronger energy force in the energy system that are isolated from the other levels of the self.

When the soul separates at level four — the mental level, or the fourth dimension of self — it is separating at a higher level of its vibration, leaving the emotional, etheric, and physical in isolation with the self. Traveling at the mental level is an experience of complete separation from the physical self. At this level, the self experience many energy systems beyond itself. It travels in timeless dimension, because it is based in the higher levels of the timeless self. There are no barriers.

I might say that in dimension two of the physical and etheric levels, there are much fear involved. It is often difficult for souls to get beyond this fear barrier — which usually folds back into its bodily dimension.

But on emotional or mental levels, there is no lasting fear. Often the experience here do not seem as vivid, but rather more distant. They feel distant and less distinct because they come from higher hevels of the self, levels that are not often encountered in everyday existence.

Usually it is difficult to bring these experiences back into everyday reality, some sometimes thay fade away just as a dream would when the consciousness level of the soul changes. However, the individual who travels frequently in its forth dimension of mental perception can practice techniques for remembering. It is important for on to program the self to bring these experience back into normal consciousness whenever desired.

In this level, there is very little possibility for invation by lower energy force, because three of the energy bodies are integrated and left behind. Therefore, there is much more protection. But it is still important to use an affirmation or energy protection.

Travel in the fifth dimension of self, or the spritual dimension, is rare from the earth perspective because of the physical ties of the self to the earth level. This level gives the explanation of bi-location, or being seen at two places at once. The self has control of all the bodily dimensions below the fifth level, and can be in more than one place at once.

Very highly evolved souls have worked freely in this dimension. And as I said earlier, they can take their physical bodies in and out of the physical realm of existence if they so desire. The laws of the higher vibrations override the lower physical laws. The fifth level is the highest level of vibration from earth standards. There are other levels that we will not go into because they are not related to the earth-consciousness and would not be understood in earth terms.

Physical Perception

During the period of living in the physical body there is a spectrum within the consciousness on which the soul functions. It is like a spotlight shining upon one area. That area is illuminated and experienced — but this does not mean that other areas around it do not exist. The spotlight can be adjusted to light up more and more areas.

All souls are living in all lifetimes in the timeless dimensino, but are experiencing them from the time perspective as if they were happening one at a time. The whole spectrum of the self exists in the timeless dimension, while various aspects of the energy levels are experienced in the time dimension for reasons of growth and perception.


The dream process is an energy-cleansing process and goes through all five bodies during each major period of sleep. When the first two and a half levels have been processed in the time dimension, the second two and a half levels, being processed in another way. Souls wander around in all dimensions in this state, visiting loved ones and doing what-ever is neccessary to survive the earth trauma.

The service souls- those more spiritually advanced and living in the miracle levels of fifth-dimensional energy. They are ‘angels’ and can often appear in human form to help in different areas of the world.

Ch. 16 Alien Energy Systems

< The alien beings encouter with ROMC are loving, accepting, and not judging. They are highly intelligent and have super advanced equitment. Some device can tap into human’s brain and help him/her explore and energize their energy, release their emotion.,,etc >

There are more than one parts of self — the part that is experiencing, and the part that is observing. Then there is a third part that’s observing the other two parts. We are continually working on several levels at one time, even at the point of conception, coming into physical body. We can always exit and operate in more than one dimension at one time. But humans often get caught in just one dimension, and stay there.

Ch 17. The universe of higher energies

The mind is an energy machine through which we create. We create our own circumstances. It’s being explained that I’m being shown all this as an example of how the energies are used on other planes, in different areas of the universe.

Another lesson for the earth level is thaat of harmony. We must use our energy levels in a more harmonious way for the good of all, and not just for selfish endeavors. As we tap into the Source within ourselves, there is no end to what we can accomplish for our world. We could exist in this same harmonious level, because we create our atmosphere. Each individual soul must get his or her own energies balanced in relation to the universal energy.

We can be in control of any aspect of our environment through the mind. To do this, we make the adjustments internally instead of externally.

Everyone is a universe in and of itself. And there are memory banks of many universes within the human body. Souls exist in what appear to be external universes. These are only illusions.

The earth is here, but it is not here. In the past, it was not in physical form. In the future, it will not be in physical form. It is, in actuality, a creation from the internal structure of all who live upon it at this time. It exists only for those who experience it as existing. It does not exist for those who do not experience its existence. Therefore, it is not real, but a temporary illusion.

If our physical bodies are universes in themselves, do they then exist in physical form? No. It is the same principle. Basically, humans are pure energy. Our physical bodies exist only for those who experience their existence. The physical body only exists in relationship — as it is experienced by the soul that temporarily manifests its experience, and by other humans who perceive it to be so.

The outer manifestation is created by the internal structure of all souls who must experience this physical illusion for a reason of internal growth.

There are not, therefore numerous ‘lifetimes’ upon the earth level. A soul exists in reality as a singular light being, and experiences the physical manifestations of the earth level through a projection of its light through its own internal ‘cameras’. A soul has many memory banks stored within, and it projects these as an outer manifestation so that they might be experienced and released from the memory bank after being projected numerous times.

Humans that attach to the outer manifestations live an illusionary existence — living in the projected state and not in the soul’s real energies. The real self is the creator and projector of the films. The films projected onto the earth screen are the outer or illusionary experiences that contain the emotional and mental memory banks that exist within each soul level. However, there are many levels of existence to be experienced beyond the emotional and mental levels. Each soul has different films to project from its different memory banks. This is the uniqueness of personality. Each soul writes its own scripts and plays its own roles.

Living in the projected state means living always as an observer of life; therefore, not being alive. Living in the soul’s pure energies means being the actor on your soul’s stage of reality; thus is being truly alive in the light, love, and joy of your pure existence.

< As mentioned before, there are five dimension of the human self > Within each of these bodies, there are seven levels of energy, going from the lower to the higher universes of the self. These would be energy levels number one to seven as follows: Base of the spine, reproductive orgns, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown of the head.

For now, picture the following: the five bodies laying hand-to and and foot-to foot. Draw a circle around the energy centers of all of these five bodies. You will have a series of seven circles ranging from small and restricted in the center — or at the lower levels — and expanded and all-encompassing at the outer level.

Now picture these encircled areas of the human self as the consciousness levels of existence.

The earth plane is the lowest energy level, at the very base of the physical map. Fixated at this level, those souls never get off the ground, so to speak; they exist mainly in the basic physical energies. This is the elemental consciousness. This basic existence is important for the soul growth of each indivudual. It is the foundation on which all other levels are built. It is grounded in the earth consciousness. It is important to growth if one does not get stuck in this level.

The next circle around — or the next movie projected upon the earth screen — will com from the large circular perspective. These are in the energies of reproduction, flow, and creativity.

The next circle of experience on the earth screen is the solar plexus level. This is when the self begins to take on a stonger identity and starts to asserts its ego or power. This is where greater self-expression begins to take place.

Heart level: the level of emotions where the soul begins to experience more on the feeling level and moves into the experience of relationships, or the ‘we’ consciousness.

The throat and the energies of the third eye are mental energies, where the self gets into greater control of its own existence through the mental channels.

The crown of the head is symbolic of the coming back into the Source, into the oneness of existence, and therefore it is the outer circle that encompass all other levels. It is the coming together of all into one.

The emotional self takes in the solar plexus and heart energies, and the mental dimension of self occurs in the throat and energies of the third eye.

Time and space are the energies manifested to project the inner picture upon the earth screen. Therefore, time and space exist only as these concepts are experienced by the soul that is projecting the experience.

When we seek knowledge or guidence, it comes instantaneously in whatever form they desire. ( This would also be the case on planet earth if humans would believe and accept this possibility.)

The ego-power-structure is a part of the imbalance in the earth-consciousness.

When a being is not balanced or integrated within itself, it projects a strong ego, or power-consciousness. Thus, an emotional wall is built around the self. The ego self does not recognize the oneness of its existence with all other levels of consciousness, nor does it show appreciation or recognition of other important energy levels, including other forms of life.

Therefore, the earth level is in a state of imbalance. Because of the imbalance of the overall emotional makeup of the ego levels of beings on the earth, the physical earth-consciousness seeks its own balance. Thus, natural disasters occur — which is the earth-consciousness shaking out the impalance of its internal structures.

On the earth level, love is confused with emotions. Love is a pure and powerful energy expressed through the emotions. But it is not the emotions. There is a continual give-and-take in this type of atmosphere, with each living being recognizing its need for the others and for all other levels, thus experiencing their oneness. This need and recognition eliminates the power structure. The highest energy, which is pure love, creates overall oneness and balance.

The many ego barriers that have been built up by souls trying to prove themselves to be of greater value than others.

There is no ‘greater’ and no ’lesser’. Everything in the universe is to be experienced and treated with the most sacred respect, for ‘All is one, and one is all.’ Souls must come into the recognition of their own levels of the highest God-consciousness. Souls that come into this at-onement have the greatest reverence and respect for all that they are, and all that they are a part of. This is the highest energy, called love.

There is no need for an ego power to project itself onto the earth screen as the ‘greatest.’ The purpose of the ego is to strengthen the self to bring it back into its trye internal balance, and not to take control of and retard other souls in their process of growth.

It is important to believe that one can break down the walls of strong ego structure that confine the soul in its own prosion of singular existence. Existence is not singular, but plural. There is no loneliness, other than that which the soul perceives.

Souls that are locked into their inner chamber of energy cannot experience higher levels of consciousness, which are there to be tapped and released. But help comes at any time we ask. This is a universal law: ‘ Ask, and you shall receive.’

Climb out of your emotional ego prisons and experience this at-onement with all levels of life.

You carry the keys to your own prison cells. Call upon the God-levels of your own nature, and you will know the greatest light, love, and joy, and will experiecen the magnificent creativity of your own true self. Be the actor on your true stage of existence and not merely the observer of old reruns.

Ch 18 Healing Assistance

An awareness and belif in other dimensions opens up tremendous possibilities for help and revitalization. Many were healed in the Aesculapain templess in Rome and Greece because they believed in the invisible healers. We all have our own ‘temples,’ and this same process of healing will take place if we call upon our invisible healers for help.

Healing is the process of balance in nature; there are many in their dimension who are eager to work with the earth level to help bring this balance. It is important not only to believe in the healing process, but also to ask for it. When they are called, teams of workers come into the earth level to help in the revitalization and healing process. So remember, believe and desire are equally important. These two together, make up faith.

Healing is a timeless phenomena and can occur at any time or place on the earth level. A group of believers asking for healing for others helps to create a very special environment for healing.

There is a special time on the earth level when emotional and mental healing is more effective, when the ‘defenses’ of the person are down. This is when a person is in the sleep state. Here, the best times for healing are shortly after the person has gone to sleep, and also when he or she has been through several dream stages, a few hours into the sleep.

Also, a group does not have to be together in the same place to work on healing. They can set a certain time to jointly send healing prayers and energies into the universe. This is just effective as having the healing group gathered in one location.

Aging is an illusion of the mind that creates a breakdown in the physical form. It is completely possible for the mind to move the body outside of time, and thus keep it purified from the physical aging process. This is possible when the mind is in absolute control of the physical body.

When perceptions change, energies can be transformed. When the breakthrough takes place and the flow continues in a pattern of its own, then the higher self of the individual takes over, and new levels of healing and teaching can transpire.

When individuals experience some material and come upon concepts that feel right to them at a ‘knowing’ level, a spiral every sets up a release button in their energy system that unlocks many levels of understanding that have been there but have not yet surfaced at a conscious level.

Remember also that prayer and thanksgiving are basic keys to the process of healing in all human energy systems.

Your bodies have a built-in healing capacity — the inner healer. But your cells must have full communication with each other in order to keep the human body functioning as it should, just as you must have full communication with each other in order to keep your planet functioning as it should.

Each cell in the plant life of the earth is alive with healing energy, so ingesting the earth’s pure heailng plants, as well as using prayer to ask for help, can stimulate your living cells to communicate with each other. When they become harmonious in purpose, healing can be instantaneous. This is all the pure God-energy that is the energy of love and the basis of all healing.

Love is a powerfulenergy that is to be not simply undertood, but lived. The great love guardian of your planet, known as the man Jesus, came from the highest God-energy to teach the pure lesson of love. That is why all humans have come to planet Earth, to learn to love in the fullest sense od the word. The one called Jesus came to show you how this can be done. The magnitude of his love polarized the fear levels, which is what caused his physical body to be crucified. However, the spirit of this highly evolved energy being was released into the world to break through all fear barriers. This is known as the Holy Spirit, and has helped tremendously in the evolution of the planet. This is the energy that is helping the earth to shift into its higher levels of energy and is leading to the millennium or the ‘thousand years of peace,’ according to the earth-time frame.’

Ch.19 The Wisdom and Philosophy of the Invisibles.

If a religious system is not based within the soul, it is of man, and not of the God/man relationship. Tapping the soul is tapping the Source, which is the basis of all reality.

The adherent of this idea was man in his pure light form before he began to explore on his own and get caught in the lower reality, which is the slower vibration that takes in the earth plane.

The souls on the earth plane now are mostly the souls who chose to come into this vibration and as a result could not rise above themselves, so have been reincarnating for many centuries.

The enlightened souls who have lived on the earth plane are working to help raise the vibration of their fellow earth mates, and works as spiritual guides, teachers, inpiratiors, guardian angels, and so forth, in the body and out, and will continue to work with the earth level until the last soul is raised. < in harmony with the idea of puza >

All souls have as a part of their nature that highest light quality, which is the God-quality in which man was created.

The universe is merely an atom in the soul of the Creator. To tap the universes within is to tap into the truth, and that is the essence of true relision.

The restless and seeking self is the true leader that eventually leads man back to his God-self. All souls will be restless until they rest in their true nature, which is the God-self.

The earth level is only an illusion created by the lower vibration of the many universes that are vibrating at their full capacity. Therefore, as the souls of the earth level and the souls of the surrounding galaxies and universes vibrate at their pure frequency, there will be that conversion into the non-dimensional reality of pure light-being.

To drop the body does not mean that man steps into reality. Reality is a dimension of existence, not a state of existence. There are many unseen beings or forces locked into the circle of their own illusion.

Wha is the nature of God?

Man creates God in his own image; therefore, this is a false God. Man’s need to create God shows that he has fallen from his own true-God-nature. You do not have to create that which is already there.

God is that vital living force in all that is real. Because man has created his own unreality, he has separated himself from the tru nature of his reality, which is God. The soul in tune with its higher self has no earth words to describe its true nature. God is experienced, not understood.

Man in his own unreality knows only a snatches of the energy force called love. Pure love could dissolve the need for physical universe. There are many more dimensions that man cannot understand but can know by the essence of his very being and the true nature of his reality.

There are many isolated energy sources in the invisible that have related to certain energy levels of similar vibration on the earth level. These energy beings and sources have been called God. This is the main problem that man encounters. Many groups of souls feel that their knowledge is right, and will destroy physical bodies to prove their point. This in itself is proof of its disharmony and untruth.

Energy forms or beings that have dropped the body, but have not evolved, often join together to create new ‘religions,’ which merely brings man further from his true reality.

Spirit World?

There is no such thing as a world outside that which man has created for his own illusion. That which is real is a dimensional existence. That which is unreal is an energy level that is locked into itself, thus slowing itself down and appearing to a soul locked into itself as a ‘form’.

True vibrating energy energy that does not get locked into itself does not have form. Therefore, souls and universes that drop the physical temporarily, but do not reorganize in an energy flow, create a temporary existence for the soul form.

A soul in its highest form is without form. As man created the physical world, man also creates the spirit world in which he desires to be enveloped. Therefore, the spirit world is that world tat each soul creates. Other souls on the same vibration create a similar world. They are in awareness of and in attunement with each other, since the thought-forms are of the same essence.

Nature of Man

Man in his wholeness is the complete integration of all energy flow and the complete attunement of all elements with its true nature. Man locked into himself is a man. Man released from himself is God.

Man is involed in a cycle of death and rebirth as long as he is separated from his reality, which has no beginning and no end. They cycle will end when he realizes that he has created this state of existence to fulfill his own unfulfillment. He will step off the tredmill of time and illusion when he comes into atunement with his pure being.

Ch. 20 The nature of Guidance

Each soul is a universe of energies. When souls realize that they are not limited to the bodies they inhabit, and that they are much more than their physical bodies, there is an awakening into the higher energies. It is at this stage that the soul becomes a helping or service soul, and can help awaken other slumbering souls into this realization.

The soul can grow on several levels at one time. But earth is specifically the emotional level of the universe. Many choose earth for their emotional growth, which is represented in the body by the area of the solar plexus and the heart energies.

There are those who are doing a very specialized work called ‘ rescue work.’ Basically, they help to rescue souls from the pits of their own energies. When a soul moves rapidly from one energy level to another, if it has a strong emotional tie to the earth level, if often still perceives itself to be in the physical body, even though it is looking at its etheric-substance body.

There are many levels of these low-vibration souls. The possessing souls are usually of a very slow vibration. The confused souls are usually on a higher-rate of vibration, but because of imbalance in perception, they are locked into a time wrap — and therefore still think they are functioning on an earth time / space level.

There will be more and more work done in this area, because all souls must be released and opened into their higher levels of consciousness before earth will transform to its higher state.

Many souls work unconsciously on a different levels during their sleep state. These traveling sleep helpers work with souls in the body and out, for healing and regeneration.

The souls that work on different levels in their sleep state can ask, while they are in a level of of relaxation, what they do to help others while they are sleeping. If this question is asked before going into the sleep state, then more awareness of the nature of the work done in this state will be received — if indeed the soul does ‘moomlighting’ in the tru sense of the word.

Ch. 21 The Patrick Event

Fasting is a process that all physical beings periodically of the animals on the earth will fast advantageously when their bodies become ill. They instinctively know when to go into the fasting process, thus allowing the energies in their body to invert, and set up the cleansing and healing process.

