New England Thanksgiving Day Proclamations

Radio Free New England
2 min readNov 22, 2012

Radio Free New England wishes you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. As America reflects on what it is thankful for this year, we present links to the Thanksgiving Day Proclamations issued by our New England Governors with highlights of particularly meaningful quotes:

Governor Dan Malloy, CT

“No doubt, the world would be a better, safer, and gentler place if everyone spent more time focused on what binds us together as human beings, as opposed to what separates us as people.”

Governor Paul LePage, ME

“The care and compassion in each of us — shared with others especially this time of year — will make the most difference in people’s lives. We are all in this together.

“In that spirit, I want to recognize that many of our own neighbors to the south are spending Thanksgiving away from homes and towns that were devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. And our thanks go to those — including the many Mainers — assisting with the recovery and rebuilding efforts.”

Governor Deval Patrick, MA

Governor John Lynch, NH

Governor Lincoln Chaffe, RI

“Let us focus not on what divides us, but what unites us; let us work toward a more civil public discourse, with a tone of tolerance and respect; let us seek a more peaceful world built upon common bonds, common interests, and common kindness.”

Governor Pete Shumlin, VT

“WHEREAS, in times of adversity and times of plenty, we have lifted our hearts by giving humble thanks for the blessings we have received and for those who bring meaning to our lives…”

The North American continent has come a long way since 1621, when Pilgrims and Native Americans held the first Thanksgiving meal. We have been through many triumphs and many tragedies, including some that were self-inflicted, such as the forcible removal of Native Americans from their homelands.

However, our triumphs have been a guiding light and they bring hope for a brighter future, where more people will live in the full freedom of opportunity and safety that all humans deserve. We can be thankful today that we live in an independent country that has evolved into a more inclusive, more caring, more responsive society. It is our duty, today, to safeguard those gains and to preserve them for future generations. We can best begin by reflecting on what we are thankful for in our own lives this day.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Chris and everyone at Radio Free New England



Radio Free New England

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