Software Defined Radio & Radio Hacking. Part 1

Radio Hackers


Understanding SDR is essential for mastering cyber security disciplines.

Note: The legalities behind the radio spectrum vary from country to country. While generally speaking receiving is okay, in some places this may be still prohibited so you should check your local laws before starting. Transmission of signals outside the licence free ISM band requires a license, again please check your locality for situation specific details. Direction finding can be done in seconds with the correct setup… so play nicely.

If you were around in the early days of the internet you might recall it was a much simpler time.

We had simpler web pages, less security and the proliferation of social media and smart devices hadn’t occurred yet, meaning the art of cyber security was much easier to master. This doesn’t mean the early internet didn’t have good things. Some classic pieces of software like Snort were designed literally decades ago yet remain entirely relevant even today.

However over time as the world and how we communicate changed, we see more importance given to specialized roles that are essential in understanding just how technology works, and more importantly how it can be exploited. Then subsequent to that, how something can be protected.



Radio Hackers

Investigator | OSINT Analysis | Hardware Hacks | Software Defined Radio | Crypto Writer | Uncovering insights at the intersection of Technology and Security