Big, big questions

Ma'ayan Plaut
Published in
1 min readNov 26, 2016

We all have them, but we don’t always ask because we’re not sure we want to hear the answers. Here are four shows that talk about how we live and why, with some people we know and some people we haven’t yet met.

The One You Feed — conversations about creating a life worth living.

Blank on Blank — a sporadic show with lost interviews from cultural icons.

There are also two shows that take on the big questions strangers ask of each other: Sleepover (a CBC show that puts strangers together for a night to solve each other’s problems) and Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People (a hour long conversation where the caller can hang up but the host can’t — anonymity means they usually go very deep very quickly).

All the links in this article will automatically open in the RadioPublic app, so download the app for iOS or Android to begin listening. And if you’re seeking more personal recommendations, send the Podcast Librarian a note and I’ll help you find something you might enjoy.

What podcasts help you find meaning in the world around you? Tell me what podcasts make you think and question in the comments.



Ma'ayan Plaut

Content Strategist & Podcast Librarian, @RadioPublic. Oberlin alum, #foodhat wearer, writer, educator, audio curator. Always listening.