Gain: How Cristina launched and promotes yourartsygirl podcast

Libby Gormley
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2019

Welcome to Gain, an interview series where we ask podcasters about the backstories of the great work they’re creating.

Today, we’re speaking with Cristina Querrer, the host of yourartsygirl podcast: listen to brain food to get your creative juices flowing. The podcast launched in January 2019 and is based in the United States.

Cristina Querrer, host of yourartsygirl podcast

Where did your podcast idea come from? What’s the backstory on your podcast’s name?

The podcast idea came when I read something somewhere about podcasting. I had an online literary and art magazine a few years ago, and I thought it would be interesting to explore podcasting by talking to writers and artists that I know for starters and hopefully discover some that I don’t. I thought it would be a new dimension to feature writers and artists in “stereo,” so to speak.

I usually feature artists and writers of color, LGBTQ+ and other underrepresented groups, and we talk about challenges, ways they get their artistic ideas, where they get their inspiration, and how they keep going. I decided to name my podcast to coincide with my yourartsygirl podcast long-established art and literary blog with the same name . I call myself “artsy” because I dabble in multiple art forms and expression and have linked with and talked about other “artsy fartsy” people.

Who was the first person you told about your podcast?

I told my friends on Facebook who are mostly long-time writers and artist friends. I posted a poll to see if any of them would be interested in being featured on the podcast, and I had a great response. Thus, yourartsygirl podcast was born! I have so far featured 11 guests, going on 12 next week! And I plan to keep reaching out to artists and writers I know or those I feel would be great to feature on my show.

When did you announce your podcast’s existence to the world? How did you do it?

I announced my podcast’s existence to my friends and family on Facebook and then created other social media channels for it, like Twitter and Instagram. I also cross-post it on my LinkedIn. I feel that the more social media channels, the better. I chose Twitter and Instagram because they are used widely and my LinkedIn account because I have a lot of artists, writers, and professors there that I can reach out to.

I wanted a podcast website that I can share with my audience where they can listen to my episodes and the many places where they can listen and read the show notes. I wanted a streamlined, clean website without all the clutter.

Why did you want a podcast website for yourartsygirl podcast?

I wanted a podcast website that I can share with my audience where they can listen to my episodes and the many places where they can listen and read the show notes. I wanted a streamlined, clean website without all the clutter.

You publish a new episode of your show. What’s your approach to promoting it?

I usually post a new show on Facebook and all my social media channels either Monday or Tuesday and then often announce the next show line-up around Thursday or Friday so that everyone knows what’s coming down the pike.

What’s your favorite episode of your podcast? Why is it your favorite?

I LOVE all my episodes! However, my first episode with artist and writer Eileen Tabios was the most educational for me because I was just learning how to record, edit, and post. Therefore, it was the most pivotal episode for establishing my podcast. The second most pivotal episode was when I recorded two poets from opposite sides of the world at the same time! Aileen Cassinetto was in California and Ivy Alvarez was in New Zealand.

Describe a recent time you talked about your podcast in person. Who were you talking to? What did you say to help them learn more about your show?

I spoke about my podcast to a couple of librarians who were thinking about starting a podcast for their library. I told them to go to my website which seems easy to remember: I shared that I started my podcast and that I was having so much fun with it and that the library should podcast, too, to try and reach more people about their programming and human interest stories.

When you record your podcast, you might think about your imaginary listener who will hear this episode soon. What’s your mental image of this listener, and how do you incorporate their needs into your recording?

I often imagine my listeners! I imagine that they are other writers and artists and sometimes imagine the random listener who stumbles on my podcast. I try to anticipate the questions they might have when I interview my featured guest, such as the website they can go to find out more about my featured guest’s work. Therefore, I shape my questions to get that particular information that may be helpful to my listeners or ask that burning question they may have. I feel my interview style is conversational, although somewhat prepped, but not always. I also follow up with the links, images, and a very short summary of our conversation on the show notes which right now appear on my blog.

Originally published at on April 29, 2019.

