Podcast discovery is podcast visibility

Reach even more new listeners with RadioPublic PRO

Matt MacDonald
3 min readNov 15, 2019


According to Edison Research’s 2019 Podcast Consumer Report, 73% of people who listen to podcasts discover new shows via web search. It’s part of why there’s such strength in your show having a web presence, like your RadioPublic landing page or a podcast website: it’s an opportunity for audience growth.

In the coming weeks, podcasters with RadioPublic PRO accounts will start to see their shows featured on all RadioPublic Basic accounts. The promotion of PRO podcasts is rolling out in beta so we can learn how best to position and introduce potential listeners to your shows.

Millions of RadioPublic podcast pages are out there across the web, helping people worldwide find something new to listen to. For RadioPublic PRO podcasters, we wanted to tap into this form of web discovery in yet another way: by spreading awareness of your show to reach potential audiences.

Learn more about the benefits of a RadioPublic PRO account.

A sampling of the PROmoted rotation from three refreshes on a RadioPublic.com podcast landing page from Friday morning. Refresh again (and again and again) to see a new set of shows!

A selection of PRO podcasts will be highlighted on all Basic accounts-on show pages and episode pages and in the embed player alike-selected at random from podcasters creating the best experience for new visitors. We encourage PRO accounts to have:

These three things will help people who click on your podcast in one of the promotional slots understand what your show is about. And it will also make your dedicated RadioPublic landing page amazing—spotlighting all your best work and of course, keeping all the focus on you and your show.

Want to know that the promotion of your podcast is turning into visitors, listeners, and subscribers? Podcasters with a PRO account with Podsite add-on will be able to see attribution information via these highlighted promotional sections so you can identify new listeners in Google Analytics. Coming soon: you’ll also see data on the number of display impressions and click-through rate, too.

Add your logline, featured gateway episodes and listener testimonials, and your Google Analytics tracking code from your RadioPublic dashboard.

Want to be featured in the rotation of shows on RadioPublic.com podcast pages? Start your RadioPublic PRO account today by logging into your dashboard.

Originally published at http://about.radiopublic.com on November 15, 2019.

