You Can Succeed in Internet Radio. Easy Steps.

You are free to succeed on the radio, with a no-cost streaming and music licensed solution.

3 min readMay 7, 2014

You can finally succeed in Internet Radio. You can have your own 24/7 music (and talk) station, get an audience, program the station you have had in your head for years, AND enjoy the process. Some of you who may have tried to start a radio station in the past may have found ways to piece it together and maybe you even got your website launched. But the problem had been the bigger you got…the more YOU had to pay to play. So success could potentially turn into a nightmare as your monthly streaming and licensing costs increased as audience grew. Great stations, growing audiences but ultimately not sustainable. I’m happy to say there is now another option! Now there is Radionomy.

Internet Radio is now open and freed for programmers/producers and audio lovers worldwide. Because of the Radionomy platform, not only are you able to set up a 24/7 station at no cost (yes, including music licensing); Radionomy provides a professional cloud-based scheduler that allows you to program the station just the way you want. You can also add all those other hand-crafty elements that make listening to a station more engaging then just random playlists. Here’s a cool Jazz site using the platform for Jazz Lovers.

YOU are finally able to do what YOU do best….create killer radio stations AND get an audience. The Radionomy creation platform comes with easy to share web players that also link well in social media like FB, Twitter, & LinkedIn. Here’s a cool player on a website Once you have your stream and your players, now it’s about finding and growing the audience . The audience is getting more and more diversified but you can find them on the web, mobile, social media…Everywhere you can post a player, link to your player, or better yet your own APP (more about that in another post).

Distribution (building an audience) is made easier with Radionomy’s built in distribution support. Radionomy can bring you to TuneIn to engage their 40M+ listeners. You’ll also automatically be added to the Radionomy APP for both iOS and Android devices. Radionomy can also drop you in iTunes radio for desktop- the ‘radio’ directory that still functions as part of the iTunes music experience online. If you don’t have a website, no problem, Radionomy has basic websites available that you can customize right from the start. You might consider getting a cool domain to redirect to the site, too.

The way Radionomy can provide free streaming and licensing is because they are able to insert audio ads automatically (and seamlessly) into your station’s stream. Only 4 minutes an hour and its all national brands right in line with what you hear on PRO terrestrial radio. To get a portion of this income, you’ll need to hit some audience thresholds. Today, revenue share kicks in on the ads at 50K listening hours a month.

The most important message is often the simplest — if you can create great content, you can succeed in internet radio. With Radionomy as your technology partner, you are finally free to succeed. To start your station today go to The only thing you have to lose is the chance to be heard.

For a walk through of all these features sets check out:




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